Not getting leaner?

Not getting leaner?

If You're Not Seeing Your Lean, Athletic Physique, here’s one crucial step you might be missing.

When life and work get in the way, stress often gets the better of us.

We can easily fall off the diet wagon well before we achieve a lean body-fat level.

And this causes a bigger problem.

Because doing a strict diet leads to muscle loss… which makes regaining weight much easier and faster.

This is how busy men end up with:

→ MORE fat and LESS muscle (than before).

This is bad, because…

Not only will it be harder to lose weight later, It’s also easier to gain more.

And, with less muscle, our risk “visceral fat” increases.

(Visceral fat is stored around our vital organs. It's metabolically active in our blood, creating a higher risk of disease).

There’s one thing you’ll never catch me doing... It's this:

“Shedding fat first before trying to build muscle”.

But the one thing you’ll always catch me doing is:

→ Building MORE muscle, while losing MORE fat.

There’s an example in a client body-scan data below.

→ 3.6 kg (7.9 LBS) decrease in fat mass

→ 0.9kg (1.98 LBS) increase in muscle mass.

This means every kg/lbs he drops, reveals a fitter, toned, healthy-looking physique.

Without muscle, we’d all be skin, bones and fat.

This is why every client I work with, gets customised Metabolic-Workouts that build strength and muscle, only doing 3 efficient workouts a week.

So that as they shed the body-fat, they uncover an athletic-like looking physique.

I give exact targets to hit every week, with new progressions every month.

I also monitor progress weekly to keep clients working out correctly.

This method has not only helped Randall drop 100 lbs, but also achieve multiple sets of body-weight chin-ups in his 50's!

And that is why we don't need motivation, experience or genetics to get results.

Because sticking to a program that we can follow long-term, is what will get us a ripped physique that we can maintain.

This will change the way you eat carbs.

We're told that carbs release insulin, and that's why we can't lose weight if we eat carbs...

Well, if that were true... I should be the fattest dude I know (because I eat carbs every day).

And to show you how we can more carbs, without spending more calories (which would lead to fat-gain if we eat above our maintenance calories)...

I put together a simple slide-deck of carb options.

All of them are set at 200 calories, and food increases in 'grams'.

Meaning you can eat 'more' without 'over eating'.

To see what I mean, check out this post below:

I train and ate well, but still gained weight?

I did a little experiment on myself.

And backed it up with scientific evidence, by using a Dexa Scan, to show what changed in my body over the past 5 months.

But I still gained weight...

To find out why, check out the post below to see my results.

Bonus Gift

I've compiled my best tips, tactics and strategies that my clients use to achieve their ripped bodies and maintain it.

You can get access to all of it (free) by downloading my guide, checklist and report

Tap here to get it now.

Matt Button

Executive Health Coach | CEO | Sponsored Athlete | 16 Years Helping Top Executives Worldwide Build their Dream Body, Optimize their Health, and Perform to Their True Potential. VIP Coaching via my website ??

11 个月

Great post brother


