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What Is Wireframing?
As it is known to all of us what is the structural frame that supports our body? Indeed, the skeleton! An architect draws a blueprint of any building that represents its look. Similarly, wireframing in UI/UX design is one of the decisive steps which helps to give a visual skeleton of any digital application.?
It is essentially a low-fidelity sketch that demonstrates what elements should be on key pages. It is an outline or layout or the bare bones of the key elements of a design.?
A wireframe is a two-dimensional picture interface of the page. Therefore, it does not include any styling, graphics or colour.
Fidelity is the visual representation of a sample version of a final product that conveys its look- and- feel of it.
When to be created
Wireframes are formed in the design phase of the design thinking process. These are important to create before proceeding to the next stage. Designers collaborate on ideas as per the stakeholder’s requirements. They analyse and test, the feasibility, accessibility and scope of the product. Thus, a wireframe builds the beginning point for the product’s design.
A wireframe answers some of the main key points
What is the need for a wireframe?
Integrating feedback: Wireframes are effective communication strategies that help clients, and stakeholders go through the design for quick access-
?User Testing: An early stage of user testing conducted helps the designer
Quick, cheap and easy to create
The best part of wireframing is that it is cheap to form which becomes the stair to the final destination.?
Types of Wireframe
Low fidelity (Lo-fi) wireframe is the first and simplest type of wireframe which is the physical hand-drawn sketch. It is made simply using paper, pen and markers. Or, it can be drawn digitally using a variety of tools. They are usually black and white or sometimes grey in colour; without any image or design effects like a shadow.
Mid-fidelity wireframe is closer to the destined final UI design. It is an elaborated form of low-fidelity design. It might show images and is a more detailed visualisation of what is intended for the layout. The interaction between the pages is clearer.??
High-fidelity (Hi-fi) wireframe is closest to how the UI design will look finally. It may include actual featured images, icons, colours, fonts, buttons and backgrounds.
Wireframe tools?
There are several wireframe tools available. Have a look at some of them
Until now, we understood how a paper and pen wireframe can lead to the layout and navigation of the product key pages. We also apprehended how a wireframe enables us to get the approval of the user, client and stakeholder. Now we have developed a better cognizance of what a wireframe is and how it looks in the actual world.