Getting to Know Ourselves
Jonathan Teel
The Heart Intuitive (Holistic Health & Wellness Youth & Adults), Teacher, Writer, Award Winning Photographer.
We are multidimensional.
We have physical bodies that speak to us. We have emotions that tell us things. We have deeper feelings that manifest as intuition or felt sensations in our body. We have thoughts that rationalize and analyze what we see and experience in our lives. And beyond this, we have higher levels of us that have expressions and play a role in our lives behind the scenes so to speak.
All of these parts of us are interacting in ways that are not necessarily aligned. Our body may be telling us one thing but our mind is offering another. We may also have a feeling that neither of these other two have it exactly right.
This can create confusion in the beings that we are. Are we following our thoughts? Are we adhering to our bodies? Or are we waiting for a deeper feeling in our hearts to ignite the passion in us? And how do we know which is "right" if that can be said at all?
This is a challenge for me and I think for us in these times of growing awareness as well as the constant bombardment of external stimuli like technology. How to put together the pieces of us in a coherent or consistent way beyond the distractions so that we show up in our lives in a meaningful way.
I have found that one step but by no means the only one is to begin to intentionally become more aware of our bodies, our emotions or feelings, and thoughts. How do we become more aware? We already notice when we are angry or happy, and hungry or stuffed. But beyond the common ways that we are aware of ourselves, we can become more deeply aware.
With time, I start to notice that there is more beyond the basic thoughts and feelings themselves and I can commit to following the trail to deeper understanding. This approach eventually tell us things about ourselves and our experiences if we truly listen. And these insights over time will help us grow and choose what we want to become.
It's not an easy task. I am working every day to bring together these parts of me in a way that "feels" good. Putting together the puzzle of us as multi-dimensional people can be deeply challenging but often builds the type of awareness in us over time that leads to deeper peace, satisfaction, and success. It's a ticket to greater compassion in our lives, our work, and our service to others.
So we tune in more. What are these different parts of us saying?