Getting intimate with AI

Getting intimate with AI

Consumer Insights About Sex Toys Uncovered by our AI Interviewer.

Ok, here is the thing. Sexual wellness is a tricky subject to navigate even for human interviewers. How good can an AI interviewer be at this? Turns out, remarkably good. Let's get into it!

Who participated in the study:

  • Men and women, 18-69 y.o., Japan and Germany
  • Bought and used sex toys at least once in the last year
  • 100 in-depth chat-interviews conducted in total

First big thing we learned from the research report compiled by our AI agent was:

Perception of sex toys is positive in both countries. But with significant nuance

Pleasure, fun and enjoyment come to the minds of both German and Japanese respondents as first associations with sex toys. However, there is a note-worthy difference in the approaches to pleasure. German respondents express openness about using sex toys to enhance their sexual experiences, either alone or with a partner. Self-pleasure gets the spotlight with opinions like these coming up often:

Interview conducted in German, but translated into English for this case study by the AI interviewer

In contrast, Japanese respondents commonly associate sex toys with the idea of pleasing their partners, considering the situations in which they would use sex toys. Drawing on this discovery, our AI agent provided suggestions for potential marketing strategies:

  • Focus on promoting sex toys as a way to enhance partner satisfaction.
  • Provide ideas for different scenarios in which sex toys could be used.

3 more reasons why people use sex toys in the full version of the case study on our website - jump here for all the details →

What about the purchase frequency? Well…It's Frequent-ish

The majority of sex toy users in both Germany and Japan purchase these products a few times a year. However, there is a significant minority of high-frequency buyers in both countries.

Fastuna AI provides quantitative reports within qualitative studies

Based on this information, our AI agent highlighted the opportunity to tap into a potential market segment for more frequent, perhaps subscription-based, sales.

The presence of low-frequency buyers and non-buyers is prominent in Japan and can be tied to the lower level of social approval, indicating a potential for market expansion through education and marketing efforts.

AI automoderator conducts 100s of chat in-depth interviews in a couple of days. Collect needs, pain points and usage occasions, instantly checking how common they are. Learn more →

Respondents' feedback on chatting with AI

The sweeping majority of respondents from both Germany and Japan expressed comfort during the conversation. They appreciated its relaxed, open, and straightforward nature.

Interview conducted in Japanese, but translated into English for this case study by the AI interviewer

Several respondents from the two countries indicated a preference for discussing sexual wellness and sex toys with an AI over a real person. Reasons included feeling less embarrassed + the AI's ability to provide quick and precise responses.

Read the full case study to find out:

  • What factors influence the buy/no-buy decision?
  • What are the drivers for buying sex toys online vs. offline?
  • How happy are people in Japan and Germany with the selection of toys?

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