Getting inside the heads of tech savvy, opinionated, impatient target groups
'Tell me what you want, what you really really want ... oh baby'! We all agree that the research function is about understanding the wants and needs of human beings and the markets and societies they comprise. Short of perfect predictability, that need isn’t going anywhere. Of course, how we accomplish that looks very different today. With the massive uptake of social media; mobile phone ubiquity, and the incessant need for everyone to be online-all-the-time texting, viewing, chatting, snapping .. you name it .. it no longer makes sense to approach market research using traditional methods.
Now, don't get me wrong, there may always be a need to do the kick-start focus groups or the huge longitudinal in-depth qual study etc. and of course the trawling through hoards of data looking for golden nuggets, but what businesses, marketers and researchers need across all kinds of industries and to find out any and all kinds of things, is to tap into the way consumers like to engage: ongoing conversations that work like chat! Easy, interesting, fast, rewarding.
People want to give their opinion. But they want to do it their way. You can't force another boring survey down their throats, make them sit through another 'satisfaction' email shot or an annoying web pop-up, worse still a call from an 'I-don't-really-care- about-you-or-your-feedback-but-I-have-to-check-this-box-or-I-don't-get-my-commission' person. If you want to know whats going on, you don't need to adjust your questions, but rather how you're going to go about getting the answers to them.
Conversations that matter, using chat methodology. Market research empowered.