Getting to the Heart of the Matter
On Valentine’s Day, it was my pleasure to welcome my colleague Steve Sawyer to the Embark Behavioral Health Support Office in Chandler, AZ to talk about HeartMath and "Activating Heartfelt Resilience During Challenging Times". We did this because we recognize how important it is to continuously nurture Embarks culture and to provide a heartfelt message of hope and healing to our community. At the core of Steve’s message, is that when an organization, individual or even a community is stressed if we turn to our “heart”, we can learn simple techniques to self-regulate our emotions, increase our resilience, and unlock natural ways to improve the way we interact and solve problems.?
After Steve’s inspirational talk, I reflected on how his heart-felt message related to Embark ‘s approach to reducing mental health stigma and marketing our services. I thought about the urgency of our mission and how effective we are at embracing people’s heart. After all, marketers often feel pressure to
?But do we earn a place in your heart?
Marketing is an ever-evolving field. It’s fast, on-trend, and won’t be the same next year as it is today. Frankly, that’s one of the many reasons why I love it. When I really think back on my 30+ years in marketing, as much as it has changed – the tools we use, the innovation, the technology – I know that there is something that has NOT changed…and I hope never will. The essence of marketing is, and has always been, people.
Relationship Marketing is the framework upon which we at Embark build and nurture our business on. It’s ALWAYS been about our people, our referral partners, and our families. It’s a very personal endeavor. Relationship marketing is all about CONNECTING and ENGAGING, it is a program or brand’s ability to create an emotional connection with clients. Connection builds brand loyalty, loyalty builds brand affinity, and affinity grows our business which allows us to help more families. By using relationship marketing to create AMBASSADORS for our brand – we are setting a course to achieve our BHAG, which is to reduce the current all-time high levels of adolescent anxiety, depression, and suicide to all-time lows by 2028. But frankly, times are changing, and our society is craving more. Perhaps it’s time for marketers to infuse more heart in the way we build and maintain relationships. As my friend Diane Allen would say, let’s go BEYOND ENGAGEMENT, to heart-based marketing.????
Honestly, we at Embark have always been about heart marketing. We think it’s effective because of the authenticity of the message and its emotional appeal. There is nothing more breathtaking than families sharing their real-life experiences, hopes, and dreams and inspiring others to get the help they need. The holy grail of marketers is emotion. Getting to the emotion – to the heart and helping clients FEEL something – is a rarified place indeed. Unfortunately, it’s one that few brands and advertisers often don’t get to. Just as in any relationship in life, touching on human emotions, preferably the positive emotions, is the key to any happy, healthy, and long-term relationship.
But there’s a right way and wrong way to tap into a brand’s emotional appeal, and a right way and wrong way to connect with clients on that level. So often we see organizations throwing marketing initiatives together without putting much thought into the execution, or the integration and follow up. Many campaigns miss the mark by failing to acknowledge their clients’ pain points, the problems they need solved, or even their circumstances before offering up solutions and benefits. When a campaign or initiative isn’t relevant or targeted to a particular demographic and their unique needs and wants, it lacks heart and just becomes noise.
Heart based marketing starts with questions: What do you want your clients to FEEL about your brand or company? That it’s helpful? That it makes life easier? That it solves a problem? That it’s easily accessible? The greatest brands go beyond market share as they achieve heart share. It’s much more difficult to do but it lasts well beyond the next campaign or price break. It isn’t necessarily rational. It is emotional. What truly matters is not how many social media likes we obtain or how many campaigns we push out. Yes, we need to create interest and awareness, but it's about how we touch people’s hearts. At Embark, we not only want to earn a share of the market, but we want to find a place in our client’s heart so that they let their hearts tell our story.
Brainspotting Trainer
2 年Hi there, I’m a dear friend of Steve’s, and I am aware of and astounded by his power to bring heart to any situation he finds himself in. Your writing articulates what I believe with every cell. As the owner of another relationship based organization, I appreciate your insight. I have spent my career living on the edge, putting my heart and intellect together on the line. Taking the risk of vulnerability as way of showing the way as a leader, mentor and clinician. The benefit is living in integrity with my heart, which turns out to be not easier, but more rewarding and very much more effective in business. Loving on staff who make mistakes, instead of shaming and punishing; listening more than talking, curiosity is contageous; standing in courage with the things I believe in, even when it’s not convenient; and most of all lead with my heart, always. You are definitely on to something and I am grateful for your writing.