Getting In Front of the Right People: Lead with your value
The LinkedIn Pros
LinkedIn strategy for career professionals and small businesses. We create the blueprint to land your next opportunity.
I talk about this all the time, lead with your value. Lead with the value that you're going to bring to an organization, to a company. What have you done before? What will you continue to do in the successful manner that you've done prior to this role? Lead with that.
If you’re a professional, do not be afraid to post on LinkedIn, don't be afraid. I get this question from so many people: “What do I say?”. Well, listen, many people feel like LinkedIn is a platform for professionals and for businesses, so they don't want to post anything, or they don't want to say anything they don't want to sound out of turn, so should you post the same content or similar content as you do on Instagram and Facebook? No, probably not.
But you can post content that is your authentic voice. You can post content value on what you're doing.
A few months ago, I shared content about my dad with a photo in his Air Force uniform. My dad is a Vietnam War veteran. I posted about how his work ethic and drive have inspired me all of my life. My dad held a number of jobs, several jobs while my sister and I were growing up. So my dad's focus was on making sure that all of his girls, my mom and my sister included, were supported and taken care of. So he got a variety of different jobs because of that. And so he instilled in me a very strong work ethic and so my post was about that. And so people were commenting on it, and it was great. And you might think, what's that to do with LinkedIn?
Well, again, I mentioned in reference to you, how proud I am of my father, number one.
Number two, the reference was really about the strong work ethic and why and how I serve my clients, folks who are looking for roles, I mean, a lot of people who either are laid off or they were working at a company for a really long time and they want to shift careers, and they just have fear or apprehension.
Listen, it's hard to make a move. That's with anything, we're creatures of habit. And so to change, change is very big. So there's no discounting that. But without trying, you'll never know what you're gonna accomplish, so go out there and lead with value. Start with posting and sharing your expertise on LinkedIn, you’ll be amazed by the opportunities it brings.