Getting from here to there.
Bike model - CAD to physically based rendering.

Getting from here to there.

Last month, I shared a post showing renderings of a concept-bike in CADFlux - Dixit Systems 3D Visualization Engine. Here is a link to that post: Here is how the bike looked like:

Bike model rendered in CADFlux
Bike model rendered in CADFlux

The bike model can be viewed in a web-browser in 3D here:

I also shared a video of high resolution shoe made of over 1.7 million triangles (You can even see the stitches) rendering very smoothly with high frame rate in CADFlux.

Although it is a good start, it is quite far from where we want to be in terms of photo-realistic physically-based renderings.

However, there is some good progress on that front and I am happy to share that CADFlux will soon be able to generate images as seen below.

Physically based rendering of the Bike model
Physically based rendering of a 16-pin connector.
Physically based rendering of a bolt

Such renderings of 3D CAD models can be used for

  • E-commerce websites
  • Displaying various product configurations in a more impactful yet cost-effective way
  • E-catalogs
  • Preparing technical documentation and presentation slides,
  • Communicating design intent to customers, investors and other stake holders

What others applications you think you can use it for? Please comment or feel free to reach out to me directly.

Hope you find it as exciting as I do! I will post more about it in coming days. Please follow Dixit Systems or CADFlux's LinkedIn page to stay tuned.

#3dvisualization #cad #design #engineering #3d #softwaredevelopment #productdevelopment #ecommerce 


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