Getting Into Flow
Britt MacFarlane
Helping professionals increase their authentic personal power | Coaching | Online Courses | Free 5 Day Intensives | Podcast and YouTube - Evolution Of Self
Everything in the world is made up of energy and vibrates at a certain frequency, you do too and so do I. As humans we can increase our frequency of vibration or decrease it. When think of the state of flow to me it’s about how open or how closed we are to the flow of life (the energy of life). It is also about the frequency that our energy vibrate at and the higher our energy vibrates the more it aligns with Source and the frequency of Source.
For me getting into flow is about being in alignment with Source (I call it Source you might call it God or Allah or something else. Please substitute Source for what ever you are most comfortable with) the more open you are the more you allow Source to flow through you and the higher you vibrate. This allowing of the flow is something that we are all able to do and the more that you play in this space the more you can feel when you are open and allowing flow or not. I can feel when I am closing myself off because I get tight in my chest. That is not to say that you will become tight in this area, you might get a tightness somewhere else in your body and it might depend on whatever it is that is causing you to close.
You might feel your self close when you experience something in your world that you have resistance to. Such as something that makes you angry or sad or anything that causes you to feel negative in any way. This happens because subconsciously you will want to protect your idea of yourself, your identity. The part of yourself that you have created during this life time that is made up of what you like and don’t like what you think is wrong or right, the things you fear and love the things that you think make you You. You will also want to protect the core of who you are, your truth. The part of you that is eternal and part of Source you might call it your soul. Ironically this part of you doesn't need protecting because it is eternal but subconsciously you are programmed to believe it does need protecting. So, when something you feel threatens your happiness, your way of being, your life as you know it, or threatens you in any way your instinct is to close down and to close in and pull your energy inwards.
You can actually experiment with this with a couple of wire coat hangers (dowsing rods) I have created a video (I am sorry it isn’t great quality) that you can watch to show you how to do this - Playing With Your Energy and you can see how when you think positive thoughts your energy field opens and when you think negative thoughts your energy field closes.
You change your energy field often when you interact with other people. If you meet someone you don’t know or who you don’t feel 100% comfortable with you can become guarded and if you are with someone who you feel happy, relaxed, and safe with you will naturally open. Whether you are open or closed can affect the interactions that you have with people. It affects your relationships and your ability to connect with people. I am sharing this because you might not be aware of it but by sharing it with you hopefully now when you meet people
- You will notice if you close yourself off and pull away and disconnect for people
- You will also notice if you open up and allow that connection to happen
As you get better at consciously opening up or closing down this you might be able to consciously open up when you are with people that you feel you would normally automatically close off from. You can then observe how different relationships could be if you were able to be more open and how that effects your whole life.
Initially you might find you have resistance to opening up with people that you don't necessarily want to be open with. You might feel that by opening with them you will be vulnerable and that they might take advantage of you. I have written about Authentic Power and about holding space for your Being it is about being who you are irrespective of what's going on in the world and this ties in very much into what I am talking about here. It is about being able to be open irrespective of what somebody's doing but doing it from a space of power. It might take practice to be able to be open but not weak. When you get it right being open is actually a very powerful way to be. If you think of some truly authentically powerful people they were very open. People such as Nelson Mandela, Dr Wane Dyer and I have met some spiritual people who were able to do this too. It is about being unashamedly who you are all your glory and all your wonder and not changing this in response to the outside world. Allowing other people to be whoever they are. Not reacting to whatever it is that they're throwing at you or whatever emotion that they're projecting onto you. It is understanding that their emotions are not your emotions even if at times you might be able to feel it through what they are saying. It is their emotion and all you are doing is experiencing it. True power this authentic power is about holding the space, remaining open with love and compassion and allowing the other person to experience whatever they're experiencing.
As soon as you feel judgment, fear, or any negative thought towards the other person you immediately pull your energy in and you close yourself off. I am not saying that you should be open all the time I am only sharing with you so that you can start to play with it.
I actually had an incident with somebody I am very close to yesterday. They had some upsetting news and they wanted to be angry. I could feel that they were angry and they wanted to project that anger onto me and have a good old argument. I knew that, that is what they were trying to do and in knowing that and understanding that I was able to be with them with love and compassion. And every time they tried to bring me into an argument and to make it about whatever had happened and to release their anger and project it onto me I would just say - “I know that you're feeling angry and I know that whatever I say right now is going to make that anger worse, but know that I am here and I love you and I will always love you.” This allowed them to realise that I was not going to play their game. I was not going to close off and get pulled into an argument which would hurt us both, but I also didn’t make them being angry wrong either. It allowed this person to know that it's acceptable for them to feel whatever they were feeling and also to know that I would not allow them to influence who I chose to be.
Being in flow is so much more fun too. I did a little experiment a number of years ago (I think I might have shared it in another of my blogs but I am going to share it again). When I was driving I decided to let as many people in as I could. It someone was at a road junction when I came up to them I would let them in. I made it my intention to let people in and the more people that I let in the more I realised that other people let me in. Because I was coming from a space of love, joy and happiness and being open it allowed more flow to come into my life. It allowed things to move and to circulate and I saw more beauty and more joy and more love than I normally did.
I also know that when I am in flow abundance seems to come from out of thin air. Clients find e in ways I would never be able to predict. As I have said before I met one client at my sons sports day.
Allowing flow or being in the flow to me is about being opening. It is about continually being aware of yourself and how open or how closed you are.
- Firstly you need to know when you are open or when you're closed. You can use the dowsing rods to play with this and to experiment and find out how it feels for you.
- The second step is once you're aware of when you are open or when you are closed then you can start stepping into being open when you're triggered. Stepping into the space of deciding that you want to be an open person. The more that you step into this space the more you allow flow to come through you and out into your life. The more you allow inspiration (I have written about this too - Allowing Inspiration) to flow through you and to take action from this and create your life from a different space.
I hope this has given you something to think about and that you will make yourself some dowsing rods (it is very easy). I also have lots of resources, courses, blogs, podcasts on my website which I will not in the comments you can also contact me on there should you wish to hire me as your coach and we can arrange a free chemistry call.
So much love from me to you.