Getting the Fit Right with .physio
Dr Glenn Ruscoe
Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and Global Physio Advocate
Next time you are in a women’s exercise class, look to your right. If you're not incontinent, chances are she is and those exercises are most likely making it worse.
From her Masters research Women’s Health Physiotherapist Taryn Watson found that 50% of exercising women have urinary incontinence. And by attending high impact, upper abdominal-focused exercise classes they are putting themselves at risk of pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic girdle pain, and more.
Inspired by the need to help women in their child bearing years who are seeking to exercise but potentially causing themselves more harm, Taryn created FitRight, a physiotherapist-led program of challenging, but ‘pelvic-floor-friendly’, exercises. The program aims to optimise flexibility, core muscle strength and posture, and the exercises have been specifically designed to be suitable for women who either have, or are at risk of having, pelvic floor dysfunction.
The FitRight difference is that all participants require an individual pelvic floor and abdominal muscle assessment, the instructors are all physiotherapists with extra training in Continence & Women's Health, and the mother and baby exercise classes have volunteers who look after the babies so that the mothers can better concentrate on their exercise program.
Having identified a clear need in the community Taryn’s FitRight exercise classes were quickly oversubscribed, so she realized the need for a broader reach. Subsequently her first DVD – FitRight Pregnancy – is now available for purchase from her website
"I chose a .physio domain name for the website because it quickly and powerfully shows people my profession, and the credibility that goes with being a physiotherapist clearly identifies the difference between FitRight exercises and other exercise class brands".
Taryn was inspired to expand her enterprise online by the growing Internet communications being used by physiotherapists and physical therapists worldwide and found the process of becoming IT educated an enjoyable challenge. With guidance on branding, building a website, search engine optimization and social media she has found the growth of her business an incredibly exciting experience.
Testament to her hard work and the good advice received Taryn's domain has matched her success by having the two top ranking sites out of 4.3 million results on a Google search.
Like Taryn more physiotherapists and physcial therapists are utilising .physio domain names to connect with their professional identity online. Simply go to to register your domain name now.
Taryn’s ambitions for FitRight are as lofty as they are admirable. She believes that every woman should have a physiotherapy assessment and attend specialty exercise classes during their childbearing year. Taryn is seeking interested physiotherapists to be trained to deliver the FitRight program. And the next DVD’s will be specific to the PostNatal woman and for women of all ages.