Getting into the Fast Lane
Streamlining Your Life for Success
Would you like to be able to move faster and accomplish your goals more quickly? It seems that speed is the defining element in our lives today with everyone looking for faster connections and quicker results.
Do you even remember the days when letters were sent via the postman and you had to wait for days to receive your mail? Those were the distant days when you sat with a pen and a sheet of writing paper before you as you drafted your correspondence and dutifully placed the letter in the post, knowing it would be several days before your handwritten reply would be received. It really isn’t so long ago but the idea of writing a letter with pen and ink seems vaguely medieval to our modern senses.
That’s because today everything’s much, much faster. We’ve become accustomed to expect instant results. Lawyers complain that they’re expected to give their professional opinion almost as soon as they’ve received an e-mail enquiry.
Technology has enabled almost instantaneous communication with most of the planet. Yet we still experience delays and frustrations in other parts of our lives. And many of these obstacles are a result of how we organise ourselves and how we marshal our thoughts and feelings.
Most of the advice about improving efficiency focuses on prioritising our tasks and putting the important jobs at the top of the To Do List. And that’s a great idea. But the areas that receive rather less attention concern the unnoticed, hidden aspects of our behaviour. We’re referring to those unconscious attitudes that occasionally break through to the surface and sabotage our best efforts and hinder our progress.
Streamlining our lives involves an examination of how we do things, how we choose one activity over another and how we respond to the challenges around us.
Efficiency is a great secret that can drop us right into our ideal life path, but it’s a hard one to practise and it’s something that requires constant maintenance and work.
- Tara Stiles
One of the simplest ways to create an atmosphere of calm efficiency in your life is to tidy up your environment. The fact is that humans don’t thrive particularly well under chaotic conditions. Disorder interferes with our instinctive desire for clarity. We function better when we create a useful degree of predictability, a workspace where most things are in their rightful place and we can keep track of all the details in front of us.
Order lends itself to better efficiency so this is the perfect incentive to encourage us to tidy up, clear away the clutter, eliminate the distractions and create a clear field of focus.
The deeper layers of resistance, the buried habits that produce drag and turbulence as we try to fulfil our goals and dreams, are more challenging to deal with. The great thing in life is efficiency. If you amount to anything in the world, your time is valuable, your energy precious. They are your success capital, and you cannot afford to heedlessly throw them away or trifle with them.
- Orison Swett Marden
There’s a great advantage in examining why we encounter problems and resistance in our lives. What is it about our attitude and behaviour that could be encouraging these setbacks? Are we part of the problems that we blame on others? Are we secretly applying the brakes when we’re trying to accelerate forwards?
We’re capable of generating enormous resistance to the benefits of happiness, success, wellbeing and fulfilment – especially if we don’t believe that we truly deserve to have any of these advantages in our lives. This is where the underlying problems of resistance can be found. This is one of the hidden sources of our self-sabotaging behaviours. This is the hidden affliction that encourages us to lose focus, to get distracted, to waste time, to ignore opportunities and drift along without a clear sense of direction.
We behave this way because it serves one simple purpose. It fulfils our deep belief that we’re not truly worthy of success in any way, shape or form. I know. It sounds pretty scary. But the results can be seen in so many people’s lives, where talent and skill and ambition are sacrificed on the altar of self-destructive behaviour.
It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?
– Henry David Thoreau
Sometimes the problem can be classified as an indifference to opportunity. Every day invites us to excel, to do our best, to create great results, to make a difference. But how many people feel this sense of drive and dedication? How many people wake up with a clear and uncompromising commitment to make the day truly exceptional through the conscious application of their efforts and enthusiasm? It’s rare, isn’t it?
And this is the obvious evidence of the kind of constant drag that impedes progress in all areas of our lives. We need to upgrade our attitude towards our worthiness.
It’s been noted that regular repetition of a precisely-targeted mantra can help to engage changes in our attitudes. Repeating simple phrases such as “I am truly worthy of success and happiness” can trigger positive shifts in our belief systems and promote a more supportive emotional framework in our subconscious foundations.
It’s the kind of phrase that needs to be repeated ten or twelve times every hour until its meaning seeps into the receptive databanks of the subconscious. When you add a measure of positive emotional energy to the mantra, you’ll notice a clear shift in your thoughts and feelings as you practise and repeat this simple technique.
The ones who succeed are the efficient few. They are the few who have the ambition and will power to develop themselves.
― Herbert N. Casson
So, strip away anything that’s isn’t necessary for your success. Turn off all distractions. Focus. Clean up your environment. Take control of your thoughts and feelings. Learn to be disciplined. Repeat your personal mantra of true and uncompromising worthiness every hour. And notice how much smoother everything becomes. You’ll feel more in control of your life and that’s one of the key ingredients for a growing sense of personal empowerment.
Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
― Lin Yutang
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