Getting everyone aboard the strategy-development train
Francis Wade
Consultant who solves tough strategy and productivity problems for corporations | Author | Web-Speaker | Jump Leap Long-Term Strategy Podcast
Your company is one which builds its strategic plan around an individual’s ideas. But even if the “Big Man†is a brilliant entrepreneur-founder, is it a good idea to include a host of other stakeholders in the process? If the current method isn’t obviously broken, why fix it? Read more via your favorite method below.
Article originally published in the Jamaica Gleaner May 15 2022
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Francis Wade
P.S. This week I'm leading a free webinar ahead of our conference next week - Jun 23-25.
P.P.S. Conference earlybird registration (for Full Tickets) expires on June 15th. Use this coupon to save $50 - smsbvey-earlybird. Limited Free Passes to all the sessions are still available. Find out more here then click on the Register page. The conference is on June 23-25th.