Not getting enough clients?
When I meet women entrepreneurs at events, one of the number one questions they tend to ask me is, “Monica, I’m doing so much – I’m on Instagram and Facebook, I’m doing newsletters and videos – I’m putting myself out there, and I’m just not getting enough clients. What am I doing wrong?”
I get it. If you’re in this position, it can be so, so frustrating to do everything you can and still not get a full practice or a full schedule of new clients.
There are many reasons why this could be happening. But one of the fundamental reasons that you might be struggling here is because the marketing that you’re doing is just too general.
In your marketing, you might be putting out messages that are inspirational or address general life problems, but you’re not getting the attention of the specific client that you want to work with.
The client who’s going to sign with you is the specific person who’s going to see your social media post, newsletter, or video and think to themselves, Gosh, she’s actually talking directly to me!
So here’s the key: pick a very specific target market.?
Now, whenever I say target market, I feel like people get upset with me because it requires them to make a decision – to let people go and shut one door in order to open another. It can feel restrictive.?
But before you write me off, let me explain what a target market is and why it’s so important.
Over here at Revenue Breakthrough, we like to describe a target market as a group of people plus a “wake up in the morning” problem that you can solve for them.
A “wake up in the morning” problem is a problem that you think about every day – something that hangs over your head, or that miserable reality check that hits you while you’re brushing your teeth in the morning.?
Following this model, a target market could be something like women in their fifties who are struggling to release weight, or maybe professional men who are struggling to achieve work-life balance.
So how do you pick a target market, and why do you need to pick a target market?
Picking a target market isn’t about who’s coming to you now – that’s not why you’re picking it. If you’re just starting your business and you want to accept clients from many different target markets, because you need the cash flow, that’s perfectly fine.
But the reason why you’re picking a target market is so that you can get very specific in the program that you’re creating for people, in the results that you’re going to create for them, and in your marketing.
Once you’ve set your target market, you’re going to write every newsletter to or shoot every video for one particular person in your target market.?
For example, your next newsletter could be to Renee, a woman in her fifties who has spent three years struggling to lose 15 pounds because every nutritionist she worked with focused on younger women and didn’t know how to address the hormone issues and other age-related concerns that were affecting her.
If you want your marketing to stand out and break through the noise of other content on social media, make sure that you know precisely who your marketing is speaking to.
Right about now, you may be thinking to yourself, uh… not only do I not really know who my target market is – I also don’t really know how to talk to them through a marketing channel.
At my 30 Days Worth of Social Media Posts masterclass, you will learn how to create attention-hooking stories on social media posts for your target market.