Getting Deep into Sleep
There's nothing like hitting the bed after a long, tiring day. It can go one of two ways: you fall asleep and slip away into the darkness or sleep eludes you. One outcome is ideal while the other can be frustrating, anxiety-inducing and worrisome in the long run. The importance of getting a good night's rest is well-known but people might not understand how it leaks into other aspects of your health and wellbeing. Sleep plays an important role in helping us stay mentally and physically in shape. A shakey sleep schedule or sleeplessness requires a solution as soon as possible because it might mean that various aspects of your overall health will take a hit for the worse, creating further complications apart from just sleeplessness and drowsiness.?
Sleep is crucial for learning and memory. Chances are if you are running on little to no sleep it will be significantly harder to grasp concepts or retain information. You might have experienced a certain amount of brain fog in the past when your sleep schedule might have taken a hit. A lack of concentration and ability to focus due to sleeplessness influences your brain's ability to recall memories or even store new ones. In fact, sleeplessness even impacts your ability to focus and react, reducing how alert you are. This further leads to an inability to perceive the world with the attention and clarity a well-rested person would. The confusion could even result in more debilitating accidents if not acknowledged or addressed correctly.?
Another important aspect of sleep is that it helps give your heart the rest and rejuvenation it deserves, considering it's constantly beating to keep you at your best. Your heart rate reduces considerably in slumber and your heart as well as blood vessels rest too. The less sleep you get in a 24-hour period, the higher your blood pressure gets over longer durations. This means the risk of cardiovascular diseases or complications increases down the line. Further, it could mean increased chances of heart disease and a stroke. The risks don't just stop there. Studies show that sleeplessness can also lead to an increased risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus. The risks go beyond the heart though.?
Your immune system benefits from being well-rested too. When you don't get enough sleep, your immune cells stop working optimally. There's a chance they might not attack bacteria and viruses in the body quickly enough, meaning your chances of falling sick increase across the board. Then there's weight control. You tend to feel less hungry with a good night's rest, binging less on junk food or curbing the urge to snack and overeat. Then there's mood and mental health. Sleep helps keep the mind rested as well, helping you stay happier and feel less depressed. Your mind is processing things that might have had an effect on you through the day when you sleep. Getting sufficient sleep means getting sufficient time to sit with your thoughts and come to terms with them. This further means considerably fewer mood changes.?
We've spoken about the downsides of sleeplessness in detail but I don't want to scare you. Fortunately, we as a society have come a long way and have many different solutions for insomnia. There are lifestyle changes you can make to ensure you are sleepy enough to doze off in the night. Then, there's medication, though common over-the-counter options come with a range of side effects. Following a strict sleep schedule could also help you considerably, encouraging a healthier lifestyle overall. Then there are natural options you can consider as well, like a soothing tea or cannabinoid medication. Cannabinoid medication has proven to be extremely effective in promoting better sleep via interactions with the endocannabinoid system. All things considered, it's important you get enough sleep and if you don't, it's important to find the right therapies to get you back on track as soon as possible.?