Getting a Communication System for Distributed Applications

Getting a Communication System for Distributed Applications

The web is a disconnected architecture. A disconnected architecture means, the server creates a channel between the clients, sends the data between these channels, and disconnects itself. Hence the server can unload all the resources necessary to communicate with the client after the response is sent back to the client. This approach even though it is very effective in most cases, modern applications cannot operate only with it. Thus, it requires a ready communication system for communication across a disconnected application ecosystem.

HTTP lacks server push operation, meaning, the Web always needs to proactively request a resource, and then only the server responds to the request. Now, what if you need to do a long-running job with continuous notifications on the browser when the job is done? You cannot do it with Web through classic HTTP, because it does not support continuous streams of data. One option is that you continuously poll the server to get updates. But making so many connections to the server continuously may kill the resources over a period, eventually making it an unreliable solution. This is because if you employ HTTP, there will be multiple connections made to the server over time even when it is not required. The server must load the data into memory but without anything to do with it under most circumstances.

APPSeCONNECT ?uses heavy-duty operations and relies heavily on its workers. These workers do all the heavy lifting like sending bulk emails, updating subscription notifications, publishing scripts, and even installing packages. These tasks may require a huge amount of time and even resources, which is why we cannot rely on performing these operations directly through HTTP protocol because of implicit timeout.

Communication System for Inter-Process Communication

Being a multi-tenant application, it is a requirement to have resilient communications. For the purposes of inter-process communication, we use the following Communication Systems:

1. Enterprise Service Bus (Indirect Communication System)

Offline tasks which are implicit and do not require human input may be implemented using indirect communication. In the case of indirect communication, we need the following communication system setup:

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