Getting comfortable with uncomfortable
“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort. You cannot have both.”?-Brene Brown
The best thing I learned in the past two years of the pandemic is getting comfortable with uncomfortable. We always think, we are not, where we want to be, We feel like, we have been stuck in life, have a never-ending silence, we are supposed to be somewhere else, we belong somewhere else.........let's say we could snap our fingers & be wherever we want to be.........I bet we'd still feel the same way, this is the worst of being the smartest species in the galaxy (at least we think we are) but even at best, that’s what we are – a species. A species who have tinkered and toiled, adapted and grown. In midst of the concrete false certainty, we have a desire to control the world and everything around us by sitting on a recliner with a glass of wine in hand in our cocoon of the comfort zone. But the world is harsh, it is meant to make things uncomfortable until we get used to it and learn to get comfortable with uncomfortable and the unawareness of your belongingness just squares the un-comfort to infinite if you do not have the awareness to know what you should do or choose at least you can put your heart and soul into whatever is on hand right now and be persistent in it, it will open immense doors sooner or later for instance if you want to learn music you can start even sweeping the music store, according to the inner nature you will flower and find what you should do. Simply throw yourself 100% into what you are doing right now without entanglement. People are always thinking in terms of, “Where shall I get entangled?” It is not a question of where you should get entangled, it is a question of where you should get involved.
If you do not know where, just show absolute involvement in what you are doing right now. This is the least we can do to drag ourselves out of our cocoon and one day,?you can say aforesaid words to yourself, you are home, this is what you belong. Yes, that’s precisely what life is about – carrying on. It is important to take failure in your stride, brush your success away, and carry on… on the path that aligns with your deepest convictions and dearest aspirations. And do so, not to get applause or prove your grit, but because we consider ourselves "The smartest Species in the cosmos" and that’s the best way to be. After all, it is a journey to be taken, sometimes with companions, sometimes alone. And believe me, in the end, that’s what gets you home.