Getting Clear on Standards
Uplifting you to Fear Less and to Live More - Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald

Getting Clear on Standards

Why does the airline industry instruct you to put on your own air mask first before attempting to 'save' anyone else?

I have been spending a considerable amount of my time really narrowing in on the subject of standards - really consistently getting clear on my definition of standards within my own life both personally and professionally.

My standards for myself are raised every single day as I believe they should be. When one is wired and pre-disposed (or chooses to re-construct and recalibrate their mindset) to willingly choose to hold themselves accountable and then shares that accountability piece with the rest of the world (choice) whether it be in the way of deadlines, goals, aspirations, momentous growth, healing, achieving, overcoming, rising - how can that level of exposure, and vulnerability not inevitably increase and elevate ones own standards. How does choosing to live in this vain not then automatically equate to ultimate transparency and how then is transparency not indicative of authentic leadership. Of course it is.

My standards of self and my standards for self have interestingly been viewed as intimidating, threatening - has made me in some cases, un-relatable - has created an arms-length emotional distance and tellingly enough, with those who have either a different interpretation of standards, level of standards, or are operating within a different sphere of the implementation (or alternatively, the resignation to not implement and/or uphold self-imposed/self-directed...standards).

Those who look upon the imperativeness of standards no differently than or less important to...exercising daily kindness and gratitude or to even further simplify it - brushing ones own teeth on a consistent basis - are the people I am finding who have an admirable and respectful zero tolerance to drama, toxicity, or chaos in their lives, in their relationships, and in their businesses.

It's not about being infallible or perfect - (no such thing) rather, and to my way of thinking, it's premised on and indicative of...the deep and expansive need and non-negotiable mindset to consistently value their own self-worth. These are the people who truly have done the inner work and who have said 'no more' - 'never again' to succumbing to the abyss of what once upon a time had them sinking, drowning within themselves - those who believed in themselves enough, truly and deeply loved themselves enough, respected themselves too much - those who learnt the lesson, got the memo and churned it over introspectively enough to make an unwavering pact with their own soul - never, ever to willingly lose themselves again, and especially to others and situations, whose mindsets and/or practices and standards weren't as equally prepared or committed to making that same pact in equally going forward. Introspection is painful and ugly and not everyone wants to buy the year round annual pass. It isn't everyone who wishes to subscribe to this journey especially not on a voluntary basis - however, for anyone who is committed to evaluating, assessing, re-evaluating and re-assessing the lifelong benefits to risk vs. reward - these are oftentimes than not - the people who are truly living their lives on purpose, in peace, liberated, self-empowered, mentally and spiritually un-burdened, and are purpose driven in a way that radiates and permeates conviction, brightness, intuitiveness. They are the neon-sign people with fluorescent lighting who flash 24/7 and whose sign is always declaring 'Open.'

I believe ones staunch and fierce (daily) commitment to (daily) demanding and expecting only ones very best to consistently shine through IS what is essentially vital and required in the growth arena. These are the heavy weights - the people whose presence automatically commands respect because they without a shadow of a doubt...respect themselves with every facet of their being - who have an intolerance or an allergic reaction to anything and everything that insults their soul...their standards. Those who would rather stand alone than be swallowed up by anything that makes them feel incongruent or out of alignment with self-truth, self-love, self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem - there's a reason why these terms begin with SELF.

Even the airline industry will instruct you to put your own air mask on first before attempting to 'save' anyone else.

Uplifting you to fear less and to live more! Have an awesome day! ??#Grateful #Standards #LivingFearlessly


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Lisa McDonald

Author * Motivational Speaker * TV & Radio Host * Blogger * LIVING FEARLESSLY!

7 年

Thank you! Much appreciated! Have an awesome day! ?? #Grateful #Vibe #Tribe #Energy #Standards #LivingFearlessly



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