Getting beyond the 3rd or 4th page……..

I have been reading a lot recently, all sorts of books. However, I’ve noticed that if a book (regardless of the topic matter), does not grab my attention and transport me to within the narrative by the 3rd or 4th page, then it is very likely to get put down and never be opened again!

One book in particular comes to mind. This book had an interesting front cover and the back details, made me want to read it. This book had been sitting in a box outside someone’s house as I passed on my daily walk. The message was simple – ‘Free - Help yourself – Enjoy’. The book I took really seemed to stand out from the rest and did look interesting, so I took it and was looking forward to reading it.

Normally if a book captures me, I cannot put it down and I am likely to be seen with it when I am out and about…just in case I have to wait, I will have something to read!!!! But this book despite the promises of a great cover and interesting back cover, has not engaged me and I have really struggled with it, having to re-read paragraphs and wanting to rush ahead just in case it got more interesting!

This got me thinking… we cast off people, push then to the side lines when they don’t capture or engage us straight away? I know I have been guilty of this in the past. At business or social gatherings when someone is ‘talking at you’. I have found myself looking across the room for a more interesting person – but how do I know they will be more interesting? It comes back to the book….the cover looks good, it is drawing you in but when you get deeper into the narrative how do I know whether or not it/they will hold my attention? I don’t but it’s a chance that I am willing to take. So, if I feel like this, I am sure others will feel the same way about me!

With my maverick attitude – and those that know me well will nod here in agreement, my mantra is ‘this is me, if you like it great, if not (and here is the cleaner version dear readers) then that’s OK, just leave now!’

So maybe it’s time to look beyond the ‘first 3 or 4 pages’, to give people more time, to really engage with another person. I do believe people cross our paths for a reason, we don’t always know why, and we may never know because it may not be for our benefit – it maybe for theirs!

So, I am going to start looking ‘beyond the first 3 or 4 pages’ and to really engage ……………I will let you know how I get on, and if I finish ‘the book’! I would be interested to know your thoughts and experiences.?


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