Getting back on track

Getting back on track

March has taught me that life throws curveballs at you. One moment you are on track (excuse the pun) and the next you are, well, not on track. If you read my last post you’ll know I am in full swing of half-marathon training and all the joys that come with it (hello 6:30am starts and endless knee pain) however, March has been busy and that has made training pretty hard.

In my last post, I preached about having goals outside of work and the positive impact they had on you inside of work. However, what happens when we lose the balance and start to lose track of our goals altogether. With a jam packed schedule, lots of events and social plans thrown into the mix, this can very easily be the case so here are my three top tips to get back on track.

  1. Stay consistent

In every single self help book I have read, the golden word is always consistency (and for a very good reason). Being consistent does not mean setting the world alight with every exercise, run or study session. It simply means showing up day in and day out. When trying to reach a goal it is very easy to slip into the habit of wanting to set personal bests every single time. First step to remaining consistent is cutting this out and recognising that if you go in with this mindset, you will probably burn out and end up not reaching your goal. So instead of setting the world alight, stay consistent and show up for yourself daily by allocating 20 minutes to whatever it is you want to achieve.

2. Make time management your BFF?

Everybody remembers having a planner at school that told you what lesson you needed to be in at what exact time. It was super helpful and stopped you wandering aimlessly like a fruit loop. Working towards a goal requires a little bit of planning of how you are going to get from where you currently are, to where you want to be - especially if you have a busy schedule already! Enter time management! The best piece of advice I have on this is to just buy a planner, map out your non-negotiable's and stick to it.?

3. Wake up earlier (Or for night owls, try going to bed earlier)

As the saying goes “the early bird catches the worm” and according to online resources, it is pretty damn true. Studies show that individuals who rise early tend to report greater happiness and overall better well-being. Throw that in with working on your goals and a little bit of caffeine and wola - You will have created a powerful, early morning kick-ass concoction to reach them!


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