Getting Back On Track After the Holiday Lull
I’m writing this at 10:41 pm, Sunday night. Reason for this blog? One, I really enjoy writing, and I want to share more of blogs with you. Two, I’m doing what I sometimes do best, and that’s putting off work I do not enjoy doing.
What am I avoiding? Editing my episode for Tuesday…
It is a tedious process, and I don’t love doing it. Starting is the hardest part, once I’m a few minutes in I hit a groove, and it’s all good. Funny how started something is typically the hardest part.
Since I got back to Chicago from being home for Christmas, I haven’t been on my game like I was before I left. The podcast’s latest episode with Jeremy Ryan Slate took me forever to finish up on the production side of things. I just hit a lull. It is something we all face, especially after a vacation or the holidays. I’m guessing it wasn’t the easiest thing for you to get back in a flow after your holiday season.
Here is the difference in where I am now compared to where I was in prior years. Before, I would just keep gradually getting back into the swing of things, but I would never make an effort to reset and go after it in the corporate world.
How is that different from where I am today?
I recognized I hit a lull yesterday. Netflix was my choice of distraction and procrastination. As I was in my fourth hour of binging Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, it hit me, “I haven’t been working the way I should since I got back and I’ve been reactive instead of proactive.” Change of mindset was a must.
The first step, lay in bed coming up with a game plan in my head for today. Before I fell asleep, I knew what I needed to be done today to blastoff back into the “groove.”
I woke up and read Tribe of Mentors, by Tim Ferris. Nothing like some inspirational reading for a kick in the ass to get things started. I’ve just begun the book, but I would already recommend it to anyone looking to better themselves this year. Next thing I did was go for a long walk and clear my head. I often get shit from my roommates for being the creep that walks around the neighborhood all the time, but this is how I break through the clutter and openly think.
Part of the reason I haven’t been working as I need to is the fact I’ve been overwhelmed. The lingering thought of “how the hell are you going to make this work,” ran through my head all week. Crazy how much your performance is affected by negative or positive thinking.
Anyways, I realized I needed to start writing some things down I can look at daily. These are things I would have probably rolled my eyes at in the past, but I now understand the importance of the small stuff since starting the Unbeaten Path. I bought a few notepads. First one is my “must-do” tasks for the day (I will write these down the night before). The second is for goals. I came up with a 30-day and 60-day goals so far. I am still pondering my longer term goals. Lastly, I am going to wake up and write three things I am thankful for every morning. I have read and heard about this practice for awhile, and it’s time to give it a try! It’s been known to be a giant mental gamechanger, especially for a time like right now as I am trying to build a business. It’s easy to get down and feel sorry for yourself, but there is no time for that if you want to succeed.
This year, instead of thinking about what you want to accomplish, take actions steps that will continually push you forward towards the larger goal. Start daily habits that will keep you on track. No one ever achieved a massive goal without daily progress and wins that build upon one another to something great.
* P.S. Listen to the Unbeaten Path podcast here.