Getting Back to Basics…..The Positive Role Model Manager..... Leadership’s Execution of Social Learning & Emulation
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Tell me the company that you keep, and I will tell you what you are
???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????Cervantes- Don Quixote
We are What We Are Becoming
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????Soren Kierkegaard
Excellence is not a single action but a continuous behavior
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????Aristotle
Cognitive Formation is even more important than learning how to walk for without it the course and destiny of your life journey is completely diminished.
Those of us who like to study history observe that it is an ebb and flow of many changing trends that come in their revolutionary manner as something that is Transformative.
In the New Century we hear about the Disruptor Technologies that surely did create a new level of Global Connectivity.
Yet the Art & Science of Human Development has several thousand years of well proven thinking whose wisdom again and again … its ultimate wisdom
The current trend of WOKE Social Darwinism while achieving some benefit to a selected demographic has been an enormous step-back in the area of Human Development and Social Cohesion that will take a generation at least to find its corrective actions.
Nowhere has this been more impactful than in the work life of most people
….. as these corporations just like the public schools with little scholarship jumped on board this movement with no rational projection of the long-term effects of this upon the organizational culture of these space where their employees spend eighty percent of their waking hours each day.
While I am no longer operating in these corporate spaces, my network provides many reports of what’s going on by the human resources departments.
Working at the Speed of Trust is one of these now “popular” efforts of the newly founded appreciation of Community and the need for Social Trust in the workplace.
This band aide is a day late and a dollar short ……as social trust is fragile.
…sort of like a beautiful spring flower blossoming in the sunshine of the meadow in which all the right conditions must be met for its unique state of existence.
The Woke Steamroller with zero forethought transformed this pristine meadow into a dusty plain where it would be difficult for anything to become rooted and grow.
In American Society the sad truth ….The reservoir of Social Trust is empty!
I observe it in race relations that have been set back seventy years and will in my lifetime never be restored to the luster of the 1980-90’s ..
The most ardent supporters now hold contrarian opinions
In the relationship of leadership in which there was a noblesse oblige structure that functioned like a Swiss watch and who produced the most outstanding organizational cultures with Iconic Signature Brands…
So while I applaud these efforts which I’ve listened to ..
..they are not objective as they are encased in the typical Progressive Social Engineering Model
……which to most people who remember have zero Social Trust
….sound like more WOKE indoctrination rhetoric
Yes…they participate in the event, give it lip service and pick up the swag at the end of the day…..but was this a great investment for your corporation ?
Hard to say ….
The more proven road to improvement follows the paths of ancient wisdom
It follows the simplest of life’s repetitive patents.
Your manager more than likely has a greater influence on your behavior than your spouse !
These are people who we spend even more time with in the cooperative engagement of complex and essential activities that bring your best skills into creative human interaction.
Sounds Like a Mutual Level of engaged commitment to me?
How can we fix the broken model ?
We need to go back ….so we can healthily Move Forward
Let's push the Stop Button on the failed Corporate WOKE Revolution
Let’s push the Great Reset Button
Let’s push ?GO …..the reintroduction of the Positive Role Model Manager ??
We are fortunate to have so much excellent experiential data to put this profile back together
Still better …we know that it works really well and with the disciplined repetitive usage is a transformational instrument
Folks like me sent their children to these Boarding Schools which like Cervantes said…the Good Company they kept there – formed more than their thinking but their routine daily habits
……as Aristotle said.... becomes the foundation of Exceptionalism
?…that Kierkegaard wisely stated.... is the basis of cumulative advancement in the positive self-image that perpetuates a desire for increased self-improvement
WOKISM attack on this Systemic Meritocracy has been its greatest failure for it has declined the quality of life in America
Nothing works well in our society anymore
….No French Fries at my McDonald’s Yesterday….how is that possible ?!!
Corporations lose billions each year on accommodating their customers due to careless errors by their employees who exist in a culture where they have been acculturated to not care and due to training more about social indoctrination than old school skillset development …their gaping deficits are appalling.
So, what is the template of The Positive Role Model Manager?
She/He Possesses
Correct View – ?????? Role Model of Holistic Human/ Professional Behavior
Correct Intention-?? Accelerant of Optimal Task Execution
Correct Action-??????? Facilitator of Sustain Signature Brand Excellence
None of this is a mystery here ..we know that this has worked in the past and if I was to take a drive and spend a day at my wife’s and daughter’s boarding school this formula is being executed with precision every day….it has never stopped because over the previous one hundred and twenty five years they know it works!
That is why their signature brand has a global audience which if you are fortunate enough to get in…..will spend the eighty thousand dollars per year to send their children there
…..In this Age of Chaos filling these young sponge minds with the spark of empowerment that will be their Life Masters on the Journey to Fulfilling their Potential
These organizations understand Social Learning and Emulation better than anyone
Here’s What they Do…its quite is cause & effect at it best
Learn- ?????????? Content – ??? Their Personal Culture
Train- ??????????? Character- ?? Their Unconscious Daily Habits
Teach???????????? Context-??????? The Foundation of their Lifestyle Perspective
Once upon a time not so long ago...maybe back a generation …this was the operating manual for everyone.
What it has been replaced with is completely inferior, short term with a shifting focus to compensate for its total inadequacy
This dumbing down of American Society fixated on this WOKE Social Darwinism is a power grab to disenfranchise the collective with the intention of further centralizing authority.
The corrective action here is simple and begins in the relational responsibility of managers to their teams.
Your focus
Role Model of Positive Ethical Behavior
Teacher of Best Practices
Team Leader of Standards ..that Celebrates Success
?While nothing here is rocket science …it takes courage
So rally yourself …find the exit ramp and return to the well-established standards of Exceptionalism that collectively raises all boats in the tide.
Lots to think about now…
Remember ….We live with ..What we Allow Ourselves to Accept