Getting ahead of January's Java Jam

Getting ahead of January's Java Jam

Java programming is set to dominate the market in 2021 (as per usual!). It’s battling Python for popularity – both languages came in joint second place on this year’s RedMonk ranking – and this surge in interest translates to an increasingly competitive jobs market.

According to ITJobsWatch, Java jobs account for more than 25 per cent of all programming roles. Plus, 57 per cent of organisations seeking developers and programmers on LinkedIn are looking for candidates with knowledge of Java.

But, what does that mean for the here and now?

The tech sector will be among the first to recover from the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We know that, amid the uncertainty of this year, many businesses feel unable to commit budget to hiring before the beginning of 2021. But, if organisations fail to act now, they risk a much harder hiring process (and, in turn, delayed projects) in the new year.

There are several businesses planning on hiring in January meaning that, come the turn of the new year, the market for Java talent will be incredibly competitive, and it may take longer to find the right talent. In order to start 2021 with a bang, Java recruitment needs to begin now.

Battling for the best talent

Getting ahead with your hiring plans will ensure you have the pick of the best talent to support your organisation in the new year.

We’re already being contacted by candidates who have completed project work and now find themselves in support roles. Engineers are always eager to work on new projects, so make sure giving lots of detail around what you’re looking to achieve and which technologies you’re using to enable this.

You’ll also need to consider employees who might move on because (as we’ve mentioned) everyone will be hiring in January, meaning there are plenty of available projects. By reaching out to your talent networks now, you will find it easier to replace employees lost through natural staff attrition.

Java Engineers relish the opportunity to work on something new, such as Kotlin-based projects and developing new methods of upgrading and enhancing intricate pieces of software. We’re seeing exciting growth in sectors such a healthcare and fintech, both of which also provide opportunities for Java professionals to move into new industries. Java is also the most popular language for IoT applications, meaning that there are some really exciting opportunities for skilled candidates, too.

You’ll need to find a way of standing out among your competition in order to secure the best talent – and remember that who you compete for in terms of talent may not be direct business competitors.

Don’t let your projects stall

2020 has truly put an end to the ‘wait and see’ approach to business. Companies which were quick to pivot to the new realities created by the pandemic are leaps and bounds ahead of those who delayed or were forced to close. This is a lesson we should be applying to recruitment. If you don’t have access to the right talent, there’s a real danger that you could be left behind.

What is the impact on the business if you miss a project deadline? Having the right talent in place – at the right time – can be make or break when it comes to delivering a project on time. Moving too slowly when it comes to recruitment, whether that is in getting started or when it comes to making decisions is a painful mistake. It means risking losing the perfect candidate because they accepted an offer from a company which moved more quickly, or a company attracted candidates with their better project/technology offerings and objectives.

This, in turn, makes it more difficult to meet project deadlines. It can also mean other areas of the business suffer, as resources are diverted to hiring rather than key operational activities.

IR35 is around the corner

Hopefully you have a plan in place for IR35, but if you don’t – or things have changed due to the impacts of COVID-19 – then you need to seek advice from a specialist as soon as possible.

Even if you’re looking for permanent employees, rather than contractors, you need to understand the effect that IR35 changes will have upon talent in your sector. The combination of uncertainty created by the change in the legislation and that borne from the pandemic means some talented contractors might be willing to take permanent roles. It is essential to move quickly, however, because they’d likely prefer a temporary position – and will take that offer if you hesitate.

If you rely upon contractors, then you’ll need to make your offers before they accept a permanent role. This can be a big lifestyle change, and we don’t anticipate many contractors wanting to go back and forth between permanent and temporary roles. The best way to make sure that contract talent is there when you need it is to engage with it now.

Lots of organisations will be hiring after Christmas, so there’s a small window to get ahead. You’ll also need to take into account notice periods, which can be up to three months in places like Berlin and Munich, or for more senior roles here in the UK. We’re working across sectors that are constantly changing due to disruptions across the globe, but one thing to keep in focus is the need to bolster your team now in order to have the best possible start to your new year projects. Afterall, 2021 is ours to take, right?

 If you’re looking for an experienced Java candidate in Hamburg, get in touch with me here on LinkedIn, or give me a call on +493055169892.


