Getting ahead in the fight against solid tumors
Image from Head and Neck Cancer Alliance

Getting ahead in the fight against solid tumors

April is an awareness month for head and neck cancer – the sixth most common cancer type worldwide. Despite some advances in treatment, survival rates have improved only modestly over the past three decades. We need more effective medicines to overcome the frustrating fact of slow progress.

#invIOs is at the forefront of drug development against dreadful diseases such as head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (#HNSCC). During the recent AACR Annual Meeting we shared additional data from our finalized Phase 1 trial of our lead cell therapy candidate APN401, showing the case of a patient with advanced metastatic HNSCC whose disease stabilized for several months following treatment.

Clinical outcomes such as this need additional validation and more large-scale trials before a treatment can be made available, but this encouraging result showing clinical activity supports our approach against solid tumors and offers hope for patients in the fight against HNSCC.

You can find out more about our cell therapy approaches on our website.

HNSCC facts:

  • HNSCC is a heterogenous group of cancers derived from the mucosal epithelium. More than 890,000 cases are diagnosed every year. In addition to the physiological impact, HNSCC is associated with a strong impact on mental health.
  • According to the Head & Neck Cancer Alliance , head and neck cancer has a survival rate of more than 80% if it’s caught early.
  • Cancers of the oral cavity and larynx are associated with tobacco consumption or alcohol abuse (or both), while pharynx cancers are increasingly attributed to infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), primarily HPV-16. Reduction of tobacco and alcohol consumption, as well as vaccination against HPV, can thus help to prevent these cancers.

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