Get yourself engaged
Jim Constable
Performance coach and author at J1Coaching. Coaching leaders, individuals and teams across all industries and sectors to be better at what they do.
Where did it all begin? The need for employers to start engaging their employees. Surveying it, measuring it, sending leaders and managers into an annual spiral of activity to increase a number to affect their own bonuses. How did we all cope before then? Why the fuss now? And hasn’t the dial gone to far? Whose job is it anyway? Shouldn’t we all be taking personal responsibility for how engaged we feel? Isn’t motivation a choice?
We should acknowledge that some people feel they have little choice about the job they do and the role they play. And some incompetent leaders and managers make it pretty challenging for those they lead to feel engaged. But in the majority of cases, ‘what are you doing to engage yourself’, is a legitimate question.
1. What you can do If you're a leader/manager? Next time you get the results of the engagement survey from your people, turn to them and say: “Here are the results of the engagement survey. I’m really interested in what you’re planning to do to keep/raise your levels of engagement. Please let me know. And let me know if I can help.”
2. If you’re an employee, next time you’re asked to complete an employee engagement survey, note down the questions, then ask yourself what you can do to feel more engaged. Rather than taking a passive approach to your engagement, waiting to be engaged by somebody or something, see if you can take action yourself, immediately. Try it.
3. Maybe it’s not your fault? Maybe your feelings of (dis-)engagement are because of your boss or because of something else that’s outside of your control. But even so are you not responsible for your motivation? Or is that something that you signed away responsibility for when you started the job? “Yes please, I’d be delighted to accept your job offer. Now please engage me...” Employee engagement, my arse!
Of course as a leader and manager you have an important role to play – to help those you lead to feel connected to what they do – to be clear on a direction in which you’re all heading, to help people to understand the value of their contribution, and to help them feel more confident through personal growth.
However are you really responsible for their engagement? Because this is the impression your organisation giving. And as an employee don’t slip into the stupor of giving away personal responsibility for your motivation. You applied for the job, and even if it’s not what it was cracked up to be, there are always options for you. Focus on what you can control, take an interest in your business and what it does. Value what you do, build your network of support around you and develop yourself wherever and whenever you can. And then your scores might go up!