Tikum Mbah Azonga
Central and West African Representative of école Supérieure Robert de Sorbon professional university in France
When the virtual currency, Bitcoin (BTC), was launched in 2009, very many of us in the world did not take it seriously and it passed us by. The few who were wise enough to jump on the bandwagon are today smiling from ear to ear because that decision they boldly took back then has rewarded them with very swollen bank accounts.
If anyone wants to buy Bitcoin today, he or she will have to do so through the nose, so to speak, because the value has gone up tremendously, compared with what it was when the currency was launched. That is why it is hard to believe that although not long after the launching of Bitcoin, one coin was equal to one USA Dollar, today one of the coins is equal to over 8000 (yes, eight thousand) USA Dollars! For the record, one USA Dollar currently exchanges at 600 Frs. CFA! So, try converting the 8000 USA dollars into CFA Francs and see how much that gives you!
Hearing this, you may wonder why the value of Bitcoin could rise so spectacularly. Well, it has to do with the very nature of what cryptocurrency is all about. Cryptocurrency is a new type of currency which was set up to correct the limitations of the bank notes and coins (commonly known as “Fiat”) that the world had known from time immemorial. Whereas Fiat money such as the USA Dollar, the Nigerian Naira, and the South African Rand belong to specific countries and their use is limited to those countries, a cryptocurrency does not belong to any country and can be used in any country and in every country. As you can see, the law of demand and supply dictates that when demand is greater than supply, which means that too many buyers are chasing too few goods, the value of the latter goes up and buyers pay more to acquire it. That is exactly what is happening to cryptocurrency because it has a worldwide usage.
For those who did not save in Bitcoin, all is not lost because other cryptocurrencies have also been created. Even so, one that has not only hit the ground running but is set to climb even higher than Bitcoin is Action Coin (ACTN). This is because ACTN has made offers which other cryptos have not made. Firstly, it entered the race by crediting newly-opened accounts with ACTN. Initially, individual accounts were credited with up to 1000 ACTN (equivalent to 1000 USA Dollars), while business accounts were credited with 250 000 ACTN (equivalent to 250 000 USA Dollars). But a target of 1250 individual accounts and 500 business accounts were set which once attained (and they were reached much earlier than anticipated) the parent company, Mediast, which is based in Canada and owned by an experienced digital financial guru called Nick Morley, next set a new limit for both the individual and business accounts of 100 ACT and 25 000 ACTN. Another innovation ACTN brought was that it created an international platform on which businesses could advertise themselves and be seen in over 200 countries! What is even more incredible about the ACTN offer is that medium-sized and even small businesses can advertise on the platform. These include tailors, beauty salons, barbers, artists/painters, hotels, restaurants, schools, driving schools, hardware stores, newspapers and magazines, bookshops, medicine stores, etc.
The idea behind the vendors` advertising forum is to link worldwide consumers directly to service providers so that whenever you need a service in any country in the world, you simply search for it on the platform, contact the seller, pay for it using your Action Coin account and have the product shipped directly to you. That is not all because there another revolutionary aspect of Action Coin that is set to change the world. It is its FarmBook (FMBK) which is another platform aimed at linking the farmer directly to the producer.
Action Coin currently operates in over 200 countries with many of them having country representatives called “Brand Ambassadors” who market the brand and serve as a platform for publicity, education and sensitization for the parent company. In Cameroon, there are ten of these Brand Ambassadors.
With all these advantages that Action Coin offers, we its Global Ambassadors in Cameroon met recently and decided to encourage people to buy as much of the coins as possible and hold in their accounts. Like with other cryptocurrencies, when you open an Action Coin account, you also create a “wallet” which is like an online purse. Any money that has to leave your account or come into it must use your wallet. Yet wallets are very safe because you alone own your wallet and know its username and password.
Cryptocurrency works on the technology of the block chain which is very secure and is out of the reach of hackers. Another advantage is that there is no limit to the amount of money your cryptocurrency account can hold, like seriously, quietly, without attracting attention. At the rate at which Action Coin is growing (it recently celebrated its first anniversary), we have confidently predicted that if you can buy the coins and save them in your Action Coin account for only one year or two, you will be both surprised and amazed at how the amount has grown, given the all-out expansion of Action Coin.
We the ten Brand Ambassadors of Cameroon have come together and decided to make things easier for those who want to acquire the coins. For those buying less than 110 coins, we sell at the standard rate of 600 Frs CFA per coin. Buy for those buying from 110 coins upwards, we sell at half that price, which is 300 Frs CFA per coin. Also, be informed that even if you want to buy coins for up to I billion Frs CFA, we can find it for you, thanks to our global network of Brand Ambassadors.
Is cryptocurrency legitimate? Yes. Major countries around the world are currently putting in place structures to popularize this novel type of currency which is clearly the currency of the future. The world has gone both global and virtual/digital. Were we not already experiencing innovation in the domain of communication and others? Today, it is taking the financial sector by storm. Cameroon`s Finance Minister recently urged professionals in the banking and financial sector to get involved in this all embracing financial revolution.
The ball is now in your own court. Jump on the bandwagon before it takes off without you as Bitcoin (BTC) did. We the Brand Ambassadors are on standby to help you get involved and get along.
To learn more about Action Coin (ACTN) including its worldwide country-by-country Brand Ambassadors whose names and photographs you will find on the company`s website, please click on the link below:
Welcome to an exciting new future with Action Coin (ACTN)!
Dr. Tikum Mbah Azonga
(Direct Telephone Number and WhatsApp Number: (237) 673224352
Doctorat/PhD (Communication de Masse), Mastaire ès Lettres
Spécialisation Journalisme, Postgraduate Diploma in French, Dipl?me
de Traducteur-Interprète, Dipl?me de Professeur de Fran?ais Langue
Etrangère, Certificado de Profesor de la Lengua Espa?ola, Cambridge
Certificate of Proficiency in English.
Appointed Representative for Central and West Africa of :
Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon
8 Rue Jacquard
54500 Vandoeuvres-lès-Nancy
Département Meurthe-et-Moselle
Région Lorraine
EMAIL: [email protected]
(Authorized by the French government to grant university degrees up to
PhD/Doctorat based on work experience)