Get Your Proposal Approved with These Simple Steps

Get Your Proposal Approved with These Simple Steps

I've noticed that many individuals come up with excellent solutions to business problems yet struggle to persuade and obtain management approval for implementing those solutions. It's unfortunate when we miss out on opportunities to showcase our abilities and receive the recognition we deserve. However, there's a proven way to increase your chances of success—show management how your proposal can either boost revenue or cut costs.

Let me share some valuable recommendations.

Clearly Define the Problem.

Never assume that everyone is already aware of the problem you've identified. Begin by stating the issue in clear and concise terms. For instance, you might present the problem as follows: "Over the last three months, from April 1 to June 30, 2023, the average handle time for our customer service center operations was 20 minutes, exceeding the recommended 10-minute target."

Gather and Analyze Data

Data holds immense power and cannot be easily ignored. However, it's crucial to ensure that the data you present is accurate. In our example, you'd need to determine the number of call center agents currently handling customer complaints or inquiries—let's say there are 100 agents. Additionally, analyze the total cost of these agents to the company and the total number of calls processed per month—assuming 100,000 calls.

State the Impact of the Problem

Make sure to highlight how the identified problem is affecting the organization. By drawing management's attention to the consequences of the issue, you'll spur them into taking immediate action to find a solution. In our example, you could state, "This problem has significantly increased the time taken to resolve customer queries, leading to extensive wait times for our customers as the call center agents are occupied with other inquiries or complaints. The latest customer survey shows a decline in customer satisfaction as a result."

Describe Your Proposed Solution

This is your chance to present your solution and the potential benefits it offers to the organization. Emphasize what the company stands to lose if your proposal is not approved. Continuing with our example, you might explain that "reducing the average handle time from 20 minutes to 10 minutes will not only increase customer satisfaction but also reduce the number of full-time employees (FTEs) required to process 100,000 transactions per month from 100 to 60—a reduction of 40 FTEs. This could potentially lead to cost savings of $938,826."

I've always found these steps to be highly effective in gaining approval for my proposals. I'd love to hear about your experiences and what has worked for you. Together, we can continue to refine our skills and excel in the workplace.

#CustomerServiceExcellence #DataDriven #Innovation #ProposalSuccess"


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