Get your priorities right.
It’s 2019 and we need to kick start it with a fresh set of priorities.
If you look around, the world is arguably going to hell in a handbasket.
Each day I review the headlines and sigh…
Still fighting.
Still denying.
Often going backwards instead of forwards.
But as we lose faith in our leaders, we continue to kill the planet we call home and we forget to look up from our phone as we go about our daily business, there’s one thing we should remember.
Our souls.
Our wellbeing.
Perspective is a beautiful thing … and when you have a health scare or someone close to you is facing a health challenge it allows you to see the world a bit differently.
Embrace each day.
Each hour.
Each possibility.
A new year psychologically provides a chance for change.
The year ahead is full of possibility. But we cannot embrace and take on the opportunities entirely without being the best we can be.
So I am starting the year off arming myself with tools to help me be the best I can be. So I can give more to those around me.
If you are a leader in any business – you should not only be doing the same, but encouraging your team to do the same as a way to start the year right.
I guarantee you will not regret it.
If you’re in the creative field or an entrepreneur with a small business it’s even more important. Because we are at a higher risk.
Invest in yourself.
Invest in your team.
Be your best.
Join me on Thursday January 17th in Sydney.