Get Your Piece Of The Pie: Stop watching from the bench and get in the game!

Get Your Piece Of The Pie: Stop watching from the bench and get in the game!

350 closings happen every day in Miami! What are you doing to get your piece of the pie?

As Co-founder and Chief Sales Officer at Home61, I’ve closed over $150,000,000 in transaction value from online lead sources proudly boast a conversion rate of 25%. Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more ways on how you can start closing deals today and tune in for our bi - weekly, Wednesday livestreams at 11am.

How can I grow?

Online leads are great but if you only rely on the internet for your client prospecting you're going to fail. Try out these ideas to get more clients, improve your pitch and become a dominant agent. Remember, real estate is a WIN-WIN. Transactions happen everyday. There are too many transactions occurring for one agent or one brokerage to control a market. In Miami, on average we have 300 closings occurring per day. 250 rentals and 50 sales. That's 350 sales a week. What are you going to do to get your piece of the pie?

Read the following strategies, then subscribe to the Real Estate Sales Academy (RESA) and then go out there and get your piece of the pie. Failure is not an option people! Don't be mediocre, be amazing and great!

Call the immediate area around new listings

Have you ever noticed that when a new listing comes on the market on a particular block, if another listing is already on that block or near it, the second listing is usually with a different broker than the first? I believe the reason for this is the owners of the second house may think that if they list with the same agency as their neighbor, their neighbor will know all of their personal information.

One of my top clients in Miami, does this every morning: he checks all the new listings that aren't his and he calls the neighbors. He lets them know that a house just came on the market for sale in their neighborhood and then tells them he anticipates the house will probably bring a lot of buyers into the neighborhood and he was wondering if they ever thought about selling their house. Alan tells me that this technique has earned him about 10 extra listings a year and over 20 referrals for buyers clients a year as well.


No, I'm not saying that you should cold-call kids without parents! In your office, you've got orphans. Here is a definition of a real estate orphan: "Anyone who has bought or sold property through your office with an agent who is no longer in your office." These are people who bought or sold a house through your office two, three, four and five years ago and they are ready to sell now! Here's how a call would sound:

  • You: "Mr. and Mrs. (insert name)? This is Juan Liendo from Home61. How are you doing today? The reason why I am calling is I want to apologize. Why? Well, according to our records you sold a house through our office three years ago and the agent you worked with is no longer with our company. The reason I'm apologizing is because no one has been taking care of you for quite some time. I just wanted to call and personally introduce myself and let you know that if there is anything you ever need, we're here for you! By the way, do you love the house?
  • Owner: It's great!
  • You: Have you done anything to it?
  • Owner: Yes, we fixed the roof and did landscaping!
  • You: Awesome. I was in the area yesterday and I think I saw your home. It's beautiful. I love the color of you door! Have you ever thought about moving? Maybe to a bigger area or closer to the beach? (Let them talk)

If you do what I've laid out here and stay in touch with your past clients once a month, you now "adopt" these orphans and they become part of your monthly follow up of past clients!

Get 15 devoted people

Devoted people are those folks who like you so much that they'll recommend you first whenever they hear of someone buying or selling. They might be, for example, plumbers, electricians, gardeners, contractors, or divorce attorneys. These are devoted people because they are devoted to you and you must be devoted to them! You need to own you mast list of people that you will always recommend. For example, your plumber or electrician. To follow up with your contacts try something like this:

  • You: Hey, Mr. Electrician! Here's the thing, I am very active in real estate. I want to be able to create a relationship beyond what you and I currently have. What I want to do is, if anyone needs an electrician, I want to refer you . . . but here is the fair trade: If you hear of anyone who is thinking about buying, selling or renting, you need to call me right away and make sure they have my contact info. I plan on doing a big prospecting promotion campaign in the beginning of the year. I will put ads out with my photo, information and if you want to share in the promotion, I can include you! You in?

If you do this, you'll start to grow your business. In a future update, I'll explain how to do a PR campaign. For now, go out and call everyone you know and want to know! Need a place to start? Try YELP!

Relocation companies

Here's how it works. Let's say Microsoft wants to move an employee from here to there. Microsoft hires a relocation company that manages the move, and, if the sellers home does not sell within X days sometimes the relocation company will buy the house so the move can happen promptly for Microsoft. It's then up to the relocation company to sell it; otherwise, it owns a home and loses money. If you build a relationship with a relocation company, you can get several listings or buyers clients. Sometimes, especially in Miami, you can get a steady flow of rental clients that will bring in $2,000 - $3,000 in steady income per month. How do you find a relocation company? Google, Yelp and maybe going to the large growing companies in Dade, Broward and West Palm Beach. Go out there and make things happen!

Low interest mailer 

When interest rates are low (as of February 8th, 2019, they're steady and the fed shouldn't be increasing for a bit) let your neighbors or people who live in your farming area know! Do you live in a property management building? Are there a lot of young professionals in your area? Are they spending $2,000 - $3,000 a month on rent? If so, educate them with a mailer about the low rates and why it's cheaper than renting! After you mail to 50 - 100 people, your job has just begun. Cold call them five to seven days after the mailer has sent. Click here for a link to marketing materials

Now, you just gotta do it!

I hope you got a tremendous number of ideas on how to be more effective with your prospecting efforts. Online leads are awesome but you can't rely on them for everything. In closing, I want to ask you a question - Are you serious about your career? Are you really serious about getting better? Are you committed to achieving that next level? If you are, you owe it to yourself for these next 30 days to kick some butt! Pick up the phone and make call after call. I know that a lot of you hate picking up the phone. I've heard the excused - it's not my style, it's not my personality. You need to hit the phones and get listings or die trying. In doing so, you'll get better. You'll make relationships, get clients, get referrals and improve your pitch!

If you make calls and improve just 10% in prospecting, you will become a better agent and person. You will begin to dominate. Start creating your own path to success. 30 days, 15 calls a day! Remember, deals are done every day in real estate and there are too many transactions for just one agent or brokerage to own. Go get a piece of that market, close and repeat!

Sources: Original content from Peter Henry and content by Darryl Davis, author of How to Become a Power Agent in Real Estate?


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