Get Your On-Line Program Off the Ground!
Jean Marie DiGiovanna
??Renaissance Leadership Keynote Speaker- Master Your EQ, Unlock Talent & Shift Cultures - Leadership Educator. Executive Coach, Author, Artist & LI Learning Instructor
Is yournbsp;on-line programnbsp;still an idea in thenbsp;back of your mind?nbsp; nbsp;Or, perhaps you’ve started to design it, but then got overwhelmednbsp;in the process? You are not alone!nbsp;nbsp; In fact overnbsp;80% of entrepreneursnbsp;I have spoken to or worked with have either started an on-line program that they later abandoned or created it but could not get it off the ground.nbsp; nbsp;One of thenbsp;biggest reasonsnbsp;this happens is because its the wrong coursenbsp;for your market or you believe you have to complete thenbsp;entire coursenbsp;from start to finish before you start selling it. This is exactly why every single course or course idea sits on the shelf to collect dust!nbsp; The fastest way to get your course out there without investing a ton of time, energy and $$ is tonbsp;PRE-SELLnbsp;it to your list or an audience of your target market. Once they purchase (which means, BTW, that you are selling the right program) then younbsp;get paidnbsp;to complete it.nbsp;How sweet is that? Let me warn you, though…pre-selling is not for everyone, especially if you are a perfectionist or non-risk taker. But, here’s the beauty of itnbsp;– it’s actually less risky to pre-sell it because if you don’t get any bites, you haven’t wasted all that time, energy and $$ completing the dang thing!nbsp;(And for you perfectionists out there, that could be anbsp;LOTnbsp;of time, energy and $$) If you arenbsp;confidentnbsp;in yournbsp;skills and expertisenbsp;and what you have to offer ANDnbsp;you believenbsp;in your program, you are anbsp;prime candidate to pre-sell it in advance. We had such a great workshop a month ago to help “Get Your On-Line Program Ready to Pre-Sell” that after several requests,nbsp;I’m running it one more time before the fall. If you want in, join us onnbsp;Friday, July 13thnbsp;for this roll-up-your-sleeves “Get-it-done” workshop and leave with the information to start marketing your program right away!nbsp;(Younbsp;don’t need to attend live as you’ll get all the recordings and tools so you can review at your own pace later.) All the juicynbsp;details are herenbsp;and don’t forget to check out the BONUSnbsp;gift below (for the first 7 people who sign up. This BONUS alone is worth twice as much as the workshop – I know, crazy!). BONUS GIFT: To cut your on-line program creation time in half, I am giving away a BONUSnbsp;“Done-For-You” Webinar Presentation Templatenbsp;(valued at $397).nbsp;This is a PPT or Keynote presentation with instructions and formatting for each slide ofnbsp;your on-line modules.nbsp; Cut your on-line program creation timenbsp;in halfnbsp;as thisnbsp;BONUS has everything you need to fill in! (You can even use the BONUS Template to quickly create yournbsp;preview webinarsnbsp;and signature talks). If you’ve been procrastinating on getting your on-line program out to your target market,nbsp;this is the workshop to attend! The world needs to hear what you have to say!nbsp;nbsp; Join us for thisnbsp;“Get-it-Done” Workshop. (And, get ready to have somenbsp;FUN!)nbsp; P.S.nbsp;If you want to hop on the phone to see if this workshop is right for you, email me back or call me at 720-295-3104.nbsp;