Change, Challenge and Your OARs
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Forging your own new world... and finding your best purpose and service ... have been themes of late for me. We are living in crossroads-like and changing times. If these times have caused you to pause and ponder on path forward, I wholeheartedly and sincerely recommend those 3 noted and linked posts.
This post from European Leadership speaks to me this day. To state maybe the obvious, uncertainty can breed fear. Facing such fear requires Courage. To advance Courage, we need to encourage. That means we find ways to move the needle on Courage in others, and in ourselves. Consider Courage.
Read and reflect on it for a bit. How do we move the needle on going beyond that proverbial comfort zone? How do we forge capacities to welcome and embrace challenge? How do we advance the capacity to do what is right, face truth with Humility and Openness, say no to our excessive fears holding us back ... and fully accept the invitations of life? I suggest we need to be...
- OPEN... moving with the practice of Openness...
- ADAPTABLE... navigating with the practice of Flexibility...
- RELENTLESS... living the practice of Determination.
In sessions over the years, I have explored the notion of having our "OARs in the water". Being open, adaptive and determined fuels the practice of Courage. How we encourage others and ourselves is, in large part, forged by the practice of these strengths of character, daily. I have seen it my 40 years in leadership training and development... so much so that I am personally certain of same. So, and for now, I humbly suggest that you...
- read and reflect on Courage, Openness, Flexibility and Determination. Use the Virtues Reflection Cards above to meditate on same. Dive in.
- ask yourself.. "What would these look like in practice for me at home, school, work, business and/or community? What daily behaviors would help me build personal and collective cultures of same?
- and ask yourself... "How can I be more open? More adaptive? More determined?"
Imagine what your OARs would look like, in practice... on the ground, real world, with you as example. In the face of change and challenge, and the covert and overt fear that can arise, I suggest we might explore the OARs of Courage.
And, I love this message of Abigail Washburn that speaks to all of this. Oh, and this talk by Justin Baldoni has ignited some added Openness to fuel my own practice of Courage.
... peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage
Lead, inspire, educate, and unite. Move forward together, stronger. My work is about bringing campuses, companies and communities together, moving forward stronger. I work with educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders to do just that. My work is about character leadership and education and its role in helping individuals and organizations build a better world at school, work, business and community. I deliver on it through speaking, coaching and development in character leadership and education. My expertise is character leadership and education. I advance unity in diversity by moving the needle on leadership and education that is high character and results forging. I speak, teach, coach, facilitate, lead, write, sing, dance, cartoon and create on that. In 1980, Professor Rolf Hattenauer changed my life. A highly respected expert in Human Resource Management, he expected much of us and he believed much in us. He was an educator and leader of high character. He was extraordinary. To this day and beyond, I try my darnedest to honor his spirit with my own work. That is another story. But I hope I did him service here.
CHECK OUT from February...
AAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...
- Yes, we have launched TUGtv with the above in mind... in support of it all. To date, we have produced the following episodes for broadCAST Live and The Justice Lead and TUGtalks and Digital Coffees.... and Talk Reel... with many more to come. Plus #hUmaNITY and Brilliant Souls. Check out our All Team Show for December 2020.... and, we invite you to check the previous shows out. Here are our episodes up to and including November 2020.