Get Your Lazy Butt Up and Start Taking Action Today!!! Let's go exercise!!!
We live in America and I'm very thankful and blessed to live here. I am very thankful for the many blessings we have here in the United States and the freedoms that other countries do not have. We also live in a country where many people constantly want to whine and cry about their problems and being the victim in life and all they want is sympathy. And honestly I'm really tired of seeing it. It's all over Facebook. People want to rant and whine and cry about this, that, and the other about how they feel life has gotten the best of them. Whose fault is it really? Sometimes life brings situations and events that seem like they are out of our control but ultimately
"We create the life we want". Write that one down and post it on your mirror. Write this one down too "We get the life that we create for ourselves".
Maybe because I just grew up an athlete and really learned what it means to work hard, I have little sympathy for those who can change their own lives but still rely on others for sympathy. And they still do nothing or very little to change their lives. This could be not just for health, but for financial, spiritual, or emotional reasons too. It is true that many people do end up depressed because they are overweight, obese, have suddenly gained some weight or became unhealthy. Let someone else be that statistic. It's time for you to rise! You can become a VICTOR instead of being like many other people who are settling for being a victim. The choice is yours!!!
#VictoryisYours #LifeofaChampion #LiveLifeLikeRoyalty And I like that last one. Hahaha I just now came up with it. But does a King or a Queen whine and cry about how something went wrong in their life? Heck no!!! They live life like royalty because they are royalty!!! Those Christians can relate to what I'm saying.
Now I'm gonna say some things that you may or may not be ready for so if you have thin skin and are offended easy, please please please get ready cause I'm gonna bring it and I'm not gong to sugar coat it like most people would.
Get up off your lazy butt and go exercise!!!
I very well may tell you some things that you need to hear and that no one else is going to tell you. Most people will just give you a big hug and tell you it's okay and I understand what you are going through and you are still beautiful. They may tell you everything is going to be alright but these same people don't always kick you in the butt to make you change. And I truly believe that ALL people are truly beautiful. No one is ugly on purpose unless they had 4 or 5 plastic surgeries for minor cosmetics lol.
When someone is laying around being sad and depressed because they are overweight, most people will show and give way too much sympathy for them instead of trying to kick them in the butt, motivate them and make them do what they need to do or tell them shut up. Think about it. Do you want the results or do you want everyone to pamper you? Being pampered might feel good but then a person is still overweight and very possibly unhealthy, and unhappy and unsatisfied because they haven't achieved their goals.
"Be a winner and not a whiner". Joel Osteen
It amazes me how people always want to whine and cry boo hoo hoo about how this and that happened to me or somebody called me fat. Or they whine and cry that they want to lose weight but they have EVERY excuse in the world on why they can't. Some people will also end up buying into the fact and believing they have some health condition or disability and the next thing you know, they can't exercise because of it. Mentally they have been defeated since day one and they have just learned to live with their conditions.
And very sadly, many people do just learn to live with their conditions and they never seem to get to the point where they desire to change them bad enough. They just accept the hand of cards they were dealt. The next thing they know they have all kinds of health issues from being overweight to diabetes, being on oxygen, bad arthritis and they cry that it hurts for them to walk or jog so they don't. Their back is injured and the doctor told them not to workout and they believed him. Smh!!!
Quit buying into that mess and show some AMBITION and get your lazy butt up and do something about your condition. Now sometimes the doctor is right. And other times they just say what they think you want to hear or they try to cover their butts so you won't come back and sue them for malpractice. Doctors will just tell you what your circumstances are and usually that most people in your circumstances or situation won't make it, won't live another year, will never walk again, or whatever it is. Sometimes the doctor is wrong. You have to decide there what you choose to believe. I am not a doctor. That's my older brother Charles in California :)
I had to go through two physicians for a client and finally the third physician signed off for him to exercise and workout. They did give him restrictions but they also said he needs to lose 15% of his body fat. Yes it was a MAJOR pain in the butt but finally we got it!!!
Maybe it's because I played sports for so many years and our coaches didn't show us a lot of sympathy. We either wanted to work hard and win and do the what it took to win and become better, or we didn't. In such case in football, our coaches would have just had us turn in all of our equipment if we didn't want to work hard. We ran our butts off and we worked out. Many sadly quit before the season even started. And who doesn't want to be a winner??
Maybe it's because I spent 10 years teaching the United States Military and Government Personnel about losing weight and burning fat and I just saw so much passion for fitness with them. I guess I think everyone should have these qualities. Many don't. The military doesn't whine or cry. They just go and workout and exercise because they love it.
So I tell you my friend, quit the whining and the crying. Nobody really wants to hear it. What they really truly want is to "see yourself getting up and doing something about it and seeing how happy you will be." That's what your friends and family truly wants. I see it on Facebook quite often when something happens to someone and instead of encouraging them to take action everyone just shows sympathy telling them they will be alright and everything will get better. Things will only get better when they lazy becomes ambitious and resilient and decides to finally TAKE ACTION!!!!!!!! #TakeAction #MotivationistheKey
What does it take for you to feel motivated??
Sure something unfortunate could have happened to you that got you into your situation. You could have been in an unfortunate car accident and not been able to exercise for months. You could have had a bad kidney infection God forbid either of these things. You could have had thyroid issues. (Usually this isn't the case with most people. You could have had the flu and been off work and then slipped on ice outside and fractured your hip and couldn't exercise for 6 months.
Chances are none of these things happened to you. Most people just want sympathy as if they are still a little kid and mommy or daddy needs to hug them.) Unfortunately things in life do happen to people that cause them to gain weight or they end up very unhealthy. Sometimes people will even end up very depressed because they have been told they are fat or overweight. Well quit sitting around boo hooing about it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!
Immediately, start an exercise program. Join a gym or fitness center and start working out. Depend on yourself and not your buddy or friends to go with you. Sure it's great when friends can go with you to the gym but if your friend suddenly stops going, or they have to work late, their kids are sick, or they get a new boyfriend or girlfriend then like I said you gotta start depending on yourself. Buy some exercise dvds. Buy a bike. Start working on your eating and begin to start eating healthier. Start planning your meals. Begin drinking more water. Decide to go walking/jogging 3 or 4 days a week. Hire a Personal Trainer or Weight Loss Coach if you think or feel you need to. (I think I can squeeze you in. Ha ha ha :)
But do DO SOMETHING immediately!!! A person surely isn't going to lose any weight sitting around crying about it, laying up on the couch watching television and eating chips, Doritos, and drinking soda pop all evening. I can clearly understand if someone does this for say a week or even a few weeks. But enough is enough people. The time has come for you to TAKE ACTION!!! #EXtremePersonalFitness #JustDoIt
By the way "You are truly a beautiful person on the inside and outside."
* By the way, if you have been told by someone that you are overweight or fat, this is a form of mental and emotional abuse. I want you to know you are truly a beautiful person on the inside and the outside. You may not look physically exactly the way you would like to but YOU CAN change that!!! But the time is now to decide how important is it for you to achieve your goals. You can achieve your goals. They are reachable. Sitting around doing nothing won't help you achieve your goals. Sitting around doing nothing won't make your belly become flatter, or help you fit back in your clothes, or help all the excess body fat go away.
Sitting around doing nothing isn't going to help you lose any weight and chances are by doing nothing you will gain weight and become even fatter and heavier. You have to and must begin to TAKE ACTION today!!! Quit laying around moping and hoping things will change and YOU be the change you want to see in your life. Do you want to be the victim or do you want to be victorious?? I am here for your support. Now, enough crying. Let's begin to smile together :)
Have a great week! May God bless you abundantly!
Sincerely, Kel Silas
If you missed recent posts, shame on you lol :) check out my post on my blog "Weight Loss 101". This is my Weight Loss 101 series and just like a good movie, you need to tune into it.
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