Get Your Groove Back--Reconnecting With Self After Divorce
Donna McGoff, M.S.
It's my passion to help women break up with the past after divorce by creating a relationship with believing, building, and becoming their vision for the future.
You are divorced. You feel ready to move on but struggle with knowing where to begin. Do you feel disconnected from who you are now and don’t know how to start rebuilding your new life on your own terms? Are you waking up each day hoping that something will happen to grab unto that will be the catalyst to drive you forward?
Before getting divorced you played many parts and cultivated established routines. I get it. We were pleasers or caretakers for a long time. It’s easy to lose ourselves when putting our own wants and needs to the wayside.
Now that you are alone, staying “stuck” is not an option. You can’t let life just pass you by hoping something or someone is going to come along and change your “limbo life”. This is a perfect time to disconnect a part of the past—meaning untangling your past identity and roles that defined you before.
It is great to be alone right now. Why? It is a perfect time to focus on who you are now and explore who you want to become. I designed a unique results-driven process that empowers divorced women to embrace a new beginning. The third part of the process is reconnecting with self. When you begin to reconnect with who you are now, healing and rejuvenation begins to take place. Being alone right now also means that you practice self-care of mind, body, and spirit to reawaken and revive your inner core.
How do you begin to reconnect with self? We start by going inside rather than looking outside for answers to discover who we are now. It means listening to what our mind, body, and spirit tries to tell us. When we ignore the strong feelings and emotions that drive us and stuff them down or distract ourselves from dealing with them by indulging in bad habits, those feelings and habits eventually come up in the form of anger, cynicism, overwhelm, stress, fatigue, loneliness, etc. As a result, we realize that now it is time to listen—to reconnect with self.
Once we let these feelings come up and experience interest and empathy for them, we then begin to connect with our authentic self—the one that we love, honor and have deep compassion for.
Here are two simple ways to start the process: One of the most powerful ways to reconnect with self is expressing gratitude for who and what we are. Taking the time to feel grateful for qualities or attributes about ourselves reminds us of the beauty and strength that lays within each of us. It also calms the constant mind chatter that disrupts being in the present moment. It can reconnect us with reasons why we are beautiful, unique, and powerful.
Journaling is another very powerful way to reconnect with self. It is as though feelings and emotions are the ink that flows out through our hands. Writing can be releasing. The activity quiets the mind allowing emotions and feelings to come up—but makes the space to see them from a different point of view. It can help us to learn to see from a different perspective using our inner eyes.
As part of this process, designing a personal life timeline with help you to understand how and why you are where you are today along with helping you to see the past from a different perspective that will empower you to see the future in a new way moving forward.
After divorce, it takes time to reawaken the creative, inspired, intelligent sleeping beauty that lays deep within each of us. We only need to reconnect with our inner power to reawaken the person we truly are.