Get Your Free PCBA Price Benchmark
If your company is purchasing PCBAs and you would like to check further potentials, then you should talk to us. In the past 20 years we have consulted hundreds of Western machinery and automotive manufacturers with regards to the topic of optimized sourcing. PCBA as material group within the purchasing often keeps a special position. Although you will find this component in almost any machine, very few users have deep product expertise inhouse. As long you are using standard PCBAs, suppliers and prices are easy to access - but what about all the customized ones, where an early involvement of the R&D for design purposes is required. Based on our experience, in such cases suppliers are more seldom challenged or even exchanged. Today we would like to share a bit of our knowledge and offer you exactly the chance for a quick PCBA benchmark. We have a network of competitive suppliers which have proven their abilities in our past sourcing projects. Over the years we have connected to suppliers of different sizes, design abilities and locations. They are ready to benchmark your current sources.
If you agree that a free trial sounds interesting, just contact me to discuss the topic.