Get Your First 100 leads on Facebook
Getting your first 100 leads – FACEBOOK GROUPS
There are many many many “make money online” groups. I bet you’re already in some.
Most people SPAM their links and get no interaction, let alone sales.
Why don’t you post something of VALUE in a group, eg how to get leads (even put your own spin on this post)
If you put a VIDEO or text version of this or any other way you know how to get leads, people will be DRAWN TOWARDS YOU.
You could do a post about, say,, your TARGET MARKET
Who is your ideal client?
Where do they live?
What do they do?
How old are they? Do they have a younger or older family?
What interests do they have besides online marketing?
What? I hear you say….not online marketing???
Yes online marketers are good, but everyone is targeting them, why don’t you go for something you’re passionate about, eg travel, wine, France, golf, gym people….
Ones with hobbies you need money for…..
obviously you can mix the two and get some online people and some “expensive hobby” people, if yours is a lifestyle product for example you would do well to expand your friends
Make 10 new friends a day is about right
Say hi and build a relationship
if they know like and trust you FIRST, you’re half way there