Get your Financial Advisor Website Design Right
MEANit Web Design Agency - Generating Leads for Construction, Financial & Legal Services in Ireland
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Are you a Financial Advisor in Ireland who wants more from your website?
Here are 10 tips to help you develop an efficient financial advisor website:
1. CMS
Get a website that is built in a CMS Content Management System, which makes it easier for you to edit. Content is King, it will decide your success on the web, so create it, add it, curate it and make yourself stand out as an Authority on ‘matters financial’ in your area. You are the best person to produce good ‘original content’ for your own financial advisors website.
2. Blocks
Get a website that is ‘Modular’, so that you can move elements around without needing a Developer again. For example, add or move a scrolling Financial Clients Testimonials module on the Home page yourself or move it to your About page, or add a video to a blog item on a specific financial product.
3. Open Source
Use a platform that is open source such as WordPress and this allows you to move from one web partner to another if ever needed – it happens for loads of unplanned reasons.
4. Financial Advisors Website Design Theme
You could get a low cost website that is theme-based, so that you can change the whole design theme without having to create a new custom website.
5. Custom Design
Plan your Branding, colours, content, and CTAs before or when talking to a Web Developer, if how you look online is important to you to build your brand.
6. Navigation
Make Navigation simple, intuitive, stand out, and logically show which financial or tax advice services you specialise in. This needs to be simple in the mobile view too.
7. Blog
Show off your knowledge of financial products, plus your experience advising people on their finances, and share any useful info or news from the financial industry.
8. Social integration
Tie in all your Blogging, Social Media, and any advertising to your website content and draw people to the website at every single opportunity. They might just connect with you by asking a question on a financial services topic.
9. Maintenance
Bear in mind a financial advisors website, like a car, has to be maintained and updated. It needs constant attention, security updates & patches, cleaning code, plugin updates, software updates, app updates, and useful add-ons.
10. Budget
Budget for a spend in Year 1 for the design, branding, photography, CMS website, advertising, digital marketing, etc., and then do a new budget for year 2 for building on that platform. The higher the spend the higher and faster the return – GUARANTEED ! (if done well). Yes – do ask for guarantees from any web partners.
Read the article in full and learn more tips on building your Financial Advisor Website in this link:
Every Irish Financial Advisory Practice will have its own priorities and needs. What do you want at your Financial Firm? Talk to us about your own specific requirements for your web design as a financial adviser. Reach out anytime and we'd be glad to help.