Get your dream job: Tips for a successful job interview
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Get your dream job: Tips for a successful job interview

A job interview is an extremely important step in the recruitment process for both job seekers and employers. It is an opportunity for both parties to find out if they can work together and if they are a good fit.

For job seekers, the interview is probably the most stressful part of the whole process, and that is why we have prepared this guide for you, which will help you calm your nerves and give you confidence, so that you can do your best and secure the next step on your career path. According to data from recruitment software RECRU, which helps companies organize more than 15,000 selection procedures annually, a recruiter works with an average of 30 resumes within one selection procedure. Out of such a number of candidates, only four lucky ones are invited to the interview on average. If you are one of them, it is definitely a success. But your work is not over yet. To succeed in the interview, you should prepare well for it.

How to prepare for an interview?

When preparing for an interview, you want to find out as much information as possible about your potential new employer. The more you know about them, the more you can align your own goals and experiences with what they are looking for, and thus show that you are suitable for the position. How can you do that? A good start is the company’s website. Google and other search engines will tell you what other people and organizations, such as the media, say about the company. A good source of information are also social networks, such as Facebook and LinkedIn. If you know someone who already works in the company, they could provide you with some information.

What are some of the key things to focus on?


The rest of the article can be found on our website...



