Get Your Career in Shape with Dr. Candace Steele Flippin
Laurie Ruettimann
Trailblazing Workplace Expert | Bestselling Author & Speaker | Top LinkedIn Learning Leadership & HR Instructor | Still trying to fix work.
My guest today is Dr. Candace Steele Flippin. She is a communications executive, a TEDx speaker and the author of the fantastic book Get Your Career in SHAPE: A Five-Step Guide to Achieve the Success You Need, Want, and Deserve. Dr. Candace and I talk about her game-changing career framework, the generational changes in work and the three questions everybody needs to ask themselves about their career.?
Dr. Candace helps Acuity Brands use technology to make the world better. She is a research fellow at Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, where she studies how women who are Generation X, millennials or Generation Z can get the most out of their careers while bridging the gaps between the different generations.?
Many people are thinking about what’s next in their careers. If this sounds like you, this conversation can help you plan out the next steps.
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Generational Changes Are in Motion
Dr. Candace noticed, as a communication leader, that there was a clash of the generations in the workplace. Every article that she saw in the media was negative, but she genuinely wanted to understand what was happening with this phenomenon, so she went back to school to learn more about it.
In her research, Dr. Candace discovered that in the year 2030, there is going to be significant generational changes in the workplace. The biggest shift is that “the youngest baby boomers would be eligible to retire.” That doesn’t mean they all will, as some people retire early and some people can’t or don’t want to retire at 65.?
However, Dr. Candace shares that “since there were so many baby boomers compared to Gen X, I thought it might be an opportunity, and others thought, to accelerate career development for groups that had historically been overlooked, women in leadership, people of color.”?
Baby boomers have been in positions of power for decades. But too often, baby boomers hold on to these positions for dear life instead of expanding the pool of opportunity. The model of scarcity is built in leadership in work and can be difficult to challenge. However, Dr. Candace believes that many boomers are more than willing to share in these opportunities.?
“I actually believe there are a lot of really great baby boomers who are wonderful role models and mentors. I have been the beneficiary of that,” she says. Either way, 2030 will change the makeup of the workforce and create an opportunity for genuine change — or expanding on the change already occurring with boomers exiting the workforce as part of the Great Resignation.
While these changes are not fully apparent in today’s workforce, younger generations still need to start developing and preparing themselves for the opportunities.
Prepare Yourself for These Changes
The time to prepare is now, and many professionals are doing just that. And as we’ve seen in the Great Resignation, people aren’t afraid to look for opportunities in other places.?
If you’re struggling to find opportunities to grow and move up, then “you have to make some tough choices about what you're going to do with your career,” Dr. Candace shares. She suggests three questions that you should be asking yourself in that moment.
1. “Do you have the career you need?”?
“Ask yourself, does the career, the role that you’re in, allow you to pay your bills, have a lifestyle that you want … give you the freedom and flexibility to do the things that are important to you?” Dr. Candace says.
2. “Do you have the career you want?”
This question takes the first question a step further. “Is this the profession that you're doing that you went to school for? Does this profession allow you to follow your passions? Is it something that you're curious about and you've wanted to explore? Does it give you that fulfillment?”
3. “Do you have the career you deserve?”
“Have you checked the boxes you were told you needed to check?” Dr. Candace asks. ”Have you spent the time to get the certification, the training, the degrees, the network, all those things that if the world were fair and equitable, you should have that career, along with the compensation and all the things that come with it.”
Getting Your Career in SHAPE
Your career takes time, intentionality, hard work and care. It doesn’t happen overnight, but Dr. Candace has written a book that will give professionals a framework to understand their path and where they need to go.
Dr. Candace explained her SHAPE framework. “It turns out that there are five things that are statistically significant that correlate to career self-efficacy, career success.” Doing these things can give you a better shot at success.
Dr. Candace’s book can help us get our careers in shape and obtain the career we want, need and, most importantly, deserve.
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