Get your butt out of my face
Vicky Quinn Fraser
Unf*ck your book with The MicroBook Magician! Write your book. Amplify your voice. ?? Join my Find Your Funnybone microworkshop: Mar 13
I like big butts and I cannot lie!
Not yours, though.
No offence, like. It’s just big buts have no place in your business or your vocabulary.
Because ohmygod is there anything more annoying than the words
“Yes, but…”
Don’t answer that. It’s a rhetorical question. When it comes to business and marketing, take it from me: the words “yes, but” are carrot-gratingly irritating.
Case in point.
A few weeks ago, I was giving a workshop at a conference. I was showing technical folks how they could use newsletters to grow their business. Printed, paper newsletters.
This is one of those areas where I’m kind of a big deal.
Just kidding, but I do know what I’m talking about. I know they can be very effective in getting people to buy more shit from you.
So you can imagine my expression when, at every turn, one particular person replied with, “Yes, but…”