Get YOU Brand Shoot Ready with the 5 Ms
Kier Adair
Go from unseen to unstoppable with visuals that sell you and your story, so you don’t have to! It's so much more than a photo or shoot! ?? International Personal Brand Photographer | Visual Strategist | Author
When considering your brand shoot, it's important to prepare from your brand identity, stories to tell and shots you need; to outfits, props and location. What many people forget is that it's equally important to get YOU brand shoot ready! When you feel good in front of the camera, it will show in your resulting images as the camera will love your energy. Such a key part of creating your brand images.
There are many things you can do to feel more confident in front of the camera and ensure you capture the best of you. Knowing what to expect and having the details planned will help make you feel comfortable. Finding your best side and practising being in front of the camera with selfies is great for your confidence too; but that's for another article. Here we will focus on the 5 Ms to get you in the mood
As with most things in business and in life, how you feel in front of the camera is influenced by your mindset. The more positive you can be about your upcoming experience, the more likely your energy will be high for the shoot; all of which you will see in your images. Three tips to positive thinking:
Affirmations are also a brilliant way to reinforce the positives. "The camera loves me". "I am fabulous in front of the camera". "My brand photos are amazing"
A brilliant exercise for camera confidence is the "Mirror Moments". Stand in front of a mirror and find 10 features that you like about yourself. All too often we immediately focus on features we don't like about ourselves as we are so self critical. It's therefore key to have positive attributes front of mind to quieten the negative talk.
Whilst in front of the mirror, look at the features you don't like; but with the idea of embracing your perfect imperfections. Tell yourself how important they are as they are part of you and what makes you relatable and real.
Before your shoot, practise with selfies whilst focusing on what you've identified as your good features. Remind yourself of them when you're in front of the camera, accentuating them wherever you can. Focusing on the good that you see in your self can totally change your energy in front of the camera as you can confidently put you 'best foot forward'
The camera never lies and will see your energy. A great way to lift it and give those positive vibes is to move and get those endomorphies flowing! Whether thats with dancing, jumping or running it will shift your mood too. Whatever works for you! Do this before your shoot and it will make all the difference
As with movement, music can also be an incredible way to shift your energy and feel good about your upcoming shoot. I'd highly recommend creating a play list of uplifting tunes that are personal to you and can lift you into into that high energy state.
Mel Robbins is one of my favourite motivational speakers. She talks about the physiological state of being nervous: the clammy hands, butterflies in stomach and jelly legs; being exactly the same as when you're excited. Reframe your nerves and call them excitement instead so that you have a positive approach. It will make a huge difference to how you are feeling about your shoot.
These 5 Ms are a great place to start feeling more confident in front of the camera. If you'd like to learn more then let's chat. There are so many ways to help you from the SHOOT Membership to nurture and grow to a brand experience where I'll hold your hand all the way. Most of my clients start out feeling camera shy and the transformation is huge once you have brand images you love. One of the things I love about what I do.
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