Get A Vision & Get Strong
In my Do you Need a Lift program I present to construction sites; I talk a lot about Visions and Vision Boards. I teach that, it is always so very important to have a vision that you are working towards.
When we are faced with stressful situations, it is important to remember these visons and think about why we keep pushing; in order to pick ourselves back up again and keep pushing forwards!
I want to give an example of this, and I am going to use my Hotrod again for this.
A few years back, I reached a real difficult point in my life mentally; I was burnt out, exhausted, stressed and ready to give up. I used a number of techniques so repair my mental state; which I talk about in my DYNL sessions.
One of those techniques, was that I wanted to focus on an object ‘outside’ of work.
For years I had wanted to build a Hotrod, and I always saw it on my list as a activity that I would get to 'one day'.
However, I really felt I needed to have a object to focus on while I dealt with my Mental Health, so I used the build of this Hotrod as that distraction. I worked long and hard through the night on it, and all my spare times on weekends to build this hotrod from scratch.
In my stressed state, I also really struggled to get to sleep, as I lay in bed worried about the business. So I started visually designing the next stages of my build in my head, while I was laying in bed. And guess what???? I fell asleep and slept! No sleeping pills needed here!
It was a great distraction that allowed my to focus on something outside of my business worries, as I worked hard to repair my mind and get back to some sort of a healthy mind.
I drove myself into it… Sheer Tenacity I called it!
And now I race it…. As hard as I possibly can. ;-)
Check out this cool video, I hope you like it.