Get verified for being able to meet someone online ? Scam or something new I don't know yet ...?

Get verified for being able to meet someone online ? Scam or something new I don't know yet ...?

I placed ad trying to find the partner online . I got a few replies , some of them unbeliavably perfect. Anyway , most of them asking me to get verified thru additional verification service online . Can I trust to those web verification services ? Is it safe to input such a personal information including CC # ?

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET


Is there such a thing as a free bankruptcy lawyer??

I'm totally in debt and have no idea how to get out of this whole that i've gotten myself into. My only answer is to file bankruptcy and to do that, ive been told i need a lawyer. I can't even afford my bills now how am i supposed to find a cheap or free lawyer if there is even such a thing? please help me out. I'm desperate."

Does anyone know of a debt consoildation program for payday loans?

Does anyone know of a debt consoildation program for payday loans?

"If your in a credit card debt of say 6,000, can you file for bankruptcy?"

And what are the disadvantages of bankruptcy? i dont care abt getting another credit card, loans, car, mortage, etc, alos what other options are there if ur in credit debt of 6 grand & cant pay it off? what is the worst that can happen, ive been getting letters since 2001 & today got a post card saying i was not in so i will be contacted in this specific time, but i have never got back to them & dont belive i never will cuz i just cant pay it so am i entitled for filing bankrupt? if so how much does it cost here in the UK? 400?"

Fixed expense and flexible expense?

What's the definition for a fixed expense in a budget and a flexible expense in a budget. Why would this information be important to you or you and your partner, if you or both of you already use a budget or choose to start using a budget?"

Im going threw a chapter 13 bankruptcy and now i have to pay that and can not afford the rent anymore.?

Can the landlord still sew me for the rest of the rent ?There is 5 months left.

How do I start a business without starring on Shark Tank?

How do I start a business without starring on Shark Tank?

How much would i pay in monthly mortgage payments?

Cost of house: 300,000 Down Payment: 20,000 if interest rate is 4 percent, what does this really mean? are going to add a 4 percent interest on the 280,000 loan every year, every month, what? Loan Term: 30 years."

What jobs can a 13 year old get?

I am 13 and I need a job to earn money, I live in the UK, but I don't know what I am able to work as! I am sick of having no money!! Could anyone help me, it will be very grateful!!!"

How can I get a copy of my credit report since I do not have a credit card?

How can I get a copy of my credit report since I do not have a credit card?

Which bank is best to get home loans for NRI?

loan with less paper work,fast and reasonable emi rates - for middle east NRI"

Can someone explain the stock market in laymans terms?

Can someone please explain to me how to stock market works? What does DOW and NASDAQ mean? What does Wall Street do? I know that people buy stock and the prices sometimes go up and people get a profit because the prices are higher than what they bought them at and sometimes the prices go down and people lose money. But that is about all I understand.

How do you make fake paystubs?

My fiancee and I are trying to purchase a house and unfortantly I just lost my job. My manager at my old job said she would lie and say that I still work there, but i need to know where the get a copy of paystube templates for free. Do you think the mortgage company will verify my employment or take my paystubs and be okay with them."

"Felice bought a duplex apartment at a cost of $220,000. Her mortgage payments on the property are $1,680 per month.?"

Felice bought a duplex apartment at a cost of $220,000. Her mortgage payments on the property are $1,680 per month. Her real estate taxes total $2,172 per year, and insurance costs $1,452 per year. She estimates that she will spend $1,104 each year per apartment for maintenance, replacing appliances, and other costs. The tenants will pay for all utilities. Ignore income taxes, changes in equity value, and changes in property value. What monthly rent must she charge for each apartment to make $2,800 in profit each year?"

Declined a loan after i bought the car?

They said i was approved at the car dealership. The guy said i had great credit. The letter i got in the mail said that the loan had been denied because i have new credit and that i jumb from job to job ( which is true, but i provided all this info to them..then and there! This is making me sick ! I was soo excited about my new car and this is just screwing it up for me !)"

Where can i get an est. on car loans without having to apply fully?

just looking for a ball park number. i want something that will show monthly rates. for a used car

Is the Credit Score that gives you your FICO score?

Is it the score lenders use to judge your credit worthyness? Thanks!

"Where is the Issue Number"" on a visa credit card?"""

Where is the Issue Number"" on a visa credit card?"""

What does it mean when I credit card's APR is 8.99 % + prime? What does that prime mean?

What does it mean when I credit card's APR is 8.99 % + prime? What does that prime mean?

Options on assuming a mortgage as an heir to a dead parent?

I am in a complicated situation. My father died a few days ago from cancer. He owns"" his home"

Auto loan from credit union?

Is it easy to get an auto loan around 5000$ when I have no credit because I'm currently 17 and will be 18 soon and I need a car, so will it be possible for me to get a car once I'm 18 and if not, how long will I need to build up my credit for before I can get a loan."

What is the lowest your credit score can be and still get a auto loan.?

I want a new car or a newer used car and need a auto loan. I'm scared of applying and not getting approved and having all that on my report. My score is in the Poor credit range. Has anyone been approved with a poor score? I'm looking into a Kia for their huge options of banks that award loans to people with poor credit but nobody at the dealership could for sure tell me that I would get approved.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How long does it take to get a credit card in the mail?

I applied for and was approved for a credit card on thursday, wondering when I can expect it since I am leaving town in two weeks and would hate to have it sitting in mail box... Thoughts comments suggestions? thx guys"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

If i don't provide proof of income will they cancel my auto loan?

I got financed through a dealer and I believe they scammed me and added on all kinds of crazy charges. They also lied to me about my credit and other lending competitors so that they could get me to agree to a high rate. They saw this idiot coming. I want out of the whole thing but when you drive off the lot with the car it is yours. Now they are saying that they want my pay stub to give the bank as proof of income. What happens if I don't give it? DO they cancel the loan? Serious answers please. I need serious advice Thanks

Get verified for being able to meet someone online ? Scam or something new I don't know yet ...?

I placed ad trying to find the partner online . I got a few replies , some of them unbeliavably perfect. Anyway , most of them asking me to get verified thru additional verification service online . Can I trust to those web verification services ? Is it safe to input such a personal information including CC # ?

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET

What is up with the payday loan industry?

please no dime store preachers about could or should, as joe friday use to say just the facts. until you walk in some else's shoes save the sermons"

What will happen to my CIT shares after it files for bankruptcy?

What will happen to my CIT shares after it files for bankruptcy?

Where do I get a free credit report?

Does anyone know?


I'm applying for a credit card and it says No Over Credit Limit Fees."" My credit card has a limit of $300 Does that mean i can go over $300? Or because there is no Over-Credit-Limit-Fess"

I want to file for bankruptcy.....?

i dont know how to go about it but i want to file for a chapter 7 bankruptcy because i havent made the best decisions with money in the past (1500 in cc bills) but my fiancees lil brother stole my new car that i got from a friend and wrecked it the day before i was going to get insurance on it and it left me with 7000 in damage to the other vehicle. i want to get rid of all of that but i dont know how the whole going about filing for bankruptcy works.... help please.? (no rude answers please)

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Can anyone recomend a bankruptcy office Anywhere in the San Fernando Valley?

In the yellow pages, the numbers are either disconnected, the guy is out of the office until the second Tuesday of next week etc etc.....after calling about 4 pages, looked on line, same deal pretty much. Ok so has anyone had a good experience with any Bankruptcy office in the San Fernando Valley?"

I bought something on my mom's credit card will she find out?

i bought stuff at rite aid, for the last like 4-5 days i have been buying food with her american express too but nothing ever went over $40 (all the things i bought were from like $20-30). she just left it home so i have been using it. now i am afraid that she will find out! does it say what you got on the bill? what exactly does it say when you get the bill? any information will help! thanks so much."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How much does mortgage interest deduction increase your refund?

This is my first year to be eligible to claim mortgage interest, bought my home in April, 2010. My regular refund previously filing 1040EZ was about $1000. Completing my return last night online the refund amount went up to $1249 - not exactly the large increase I was hoping for. Should l hire a professional?"

Can I refinance my home with bad credit?

My husband and I need to refinance our home to lower our monthly payments. We are paying 9% right now. We both have bad credit. About 4 years ago we started getting behind and couldn't make credit card payments. It was either pay them or pay our house payment. So I just didn't pay them. We also have some unpaid medical bills that our insurance didn't cover after the birth of our daughter. The creditors are always on our backs. In May we will be eligible to refinance our home (we had a prepayment penalty clause in our mortgage agreement). What chance do we have of getting a lower interest rate and lower monthly payments? Any help is greatly appreciated!

"Can't get a 60 month auto loan for $7000, why is this?"

I recently applied through my credit union for an auto loan to buy a used vehicle. They approved me for a 36 loan, and I was told that I can only get that, as my debt/income ratio was inadequate. When I tried to finance through the dealership, they told me that I also could only get a 36 month loan, because their bank would not finance a used, 70k mile car for longer than that. I'm 24, rent an apartment, and have fantastic credit. My credit union told me my credit score was 700+. I have one credit card with a balance less than $1000, an APR of 18%, a limit of $7600, and that is my only line of credit. I've never missed a payment, usually pay more than the minimum, and I have never missed a utility bill payment. I made $35k last year, so I'm not hurting for cash. I couldn't afford the monthly payment of $200 a month that the 36 mo. loan would give me due to my other bills, but since they only asked my income, I doubt those other bills effected it much. A friend ventured the theory that it was my high interest, high balance credit card that stopped me from getting a 60 mo. loan. He theorized that because I could potentially add another $6000 in debt to my credit, and that it's my only line of credit, that they wouldn't approve me based on that. Others have suggested it's because no bank would approve a 60 mo. loan on such a low amount of money. Which is true, and what can I do to reverse this, if anything?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Does my credit score increase if my insurance pays off my auto loan off?

I financed a car with GAP insurance and I totaled it. My insurance payed for what the car was worth and GAP insurance payed the rest I owed. Will this increase my credit score? Thanks in advance.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Where can I get $1,000 loan for Christmas that does not include a payday loan.?"

I make more than enough enough money to pay it back in installments. I bring home about $3000 monthly, but my present credit situation is a work in progress. I brought it up from 370 to 550, but thats still too low to qualify for traditional loans. Any suggestions? I'd like to spend $500 on Christmas and the other $500 on paying off low balance credit card. Please advise. Thanks."

Where can i check my credit rating/report for free?

hiya please help i need to check my credit rating i need a loan n need to know why im getting rejected as i always thoughtn i had a good credit rating? x any online sites i can check on?

Will having a cosigner help me obtain a new auto loan?

I currently have bad credit, and have a repo on my credit. My father offered to co-sign for me and give me 2 grand down to obtain a more reliable car. His credit is outstanding. What are my chances of being approved for a new car? Am I just wasting my time and my fathers time?"

Anybody know where I can find a loan shark?

I am of major need of 20,000 asap. If anybody can direct me to a REAL loan shark, not a payday loan company or debt consolidators. I need a loan shark. Please only respond if you have a name or number. Thanks"

Has anyone used an online payday loans?

Has anyone used an online payday loans?

Does it help or hurt my credit score if I get a home equity loan?

I do not have a great credit score, but only one Visa card and two others. I know the formulas are secret but does anyone know if this one factor has a predictable effect?"

I'm in need of a 4500 dollar loan?

I'm 21 years old, in the military so I have a steady income, but I need a 4500 dollar loan for a bike, I've already got insurance for 35 bucks a month, so I'm not worried about that. And it's a family bike purchase which is why I need a personal loan. I still don't have much credit, so USAA or Navy Fed wouldn't do it. I've tried several other places that claim no credit or bad credit no problem. Which has failed to get me anywhere other than Pioneer which is somewhere I'm not willing to go. Any help or references is greatly appreciated!"

Do you have to have good credit to get a Dell Preferred Account and to pay low monthly payments on a computer?

I need a new laptop so bad but I cant really afford to just go out and spend hundreds of dollars at once so I was on and I saw the thing in the corner and it say low monthly payments of $15 and I was very interested in that, now I am about to put in all my info and everything and they are going to do a credit check on me and I dont have that great credit, how good does your credit have to be to have the ability to do the low monthly payments. Any info would be great."

How high Can I go on a Auto loan?

I'm looking to buy a car thats $5,890"

Get verified for being able to meet someone online ? Scam or something new I don't know yet ...?

I placed ad trying to find the partner online . I got a few replies , some of them unbeliavably perfect. Anyway , most of them asking me to get verified thru additional verification service online . Can I trust to those web verification services ? Is it safe to input such a personal information including CC # ?

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET


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