Get up Bambi
2 Corinthians 4:8 (NKJV)We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
Bambi was now a young buck in training to become the next Prince of the Forrest. His true test had arrived because man had entered his territory with guns and created a run-away fire storm. He is doing his job by making sure his family and friends escape to safety. It is at the height of performing this duty that we hear an unmistakable gun shot and Bambi crumples to the ground. His father appears and makes this bold statement, “Get up Bambi, get up.” His father was not being cruel but he knew if his son took the time to have a pity party that he as well as others would perish. Bambi responded to his father’s command and completed his task.
This world can be hard and the tasks before us can appear overwhelming. The difficulty of these tasks can be compounded when we are wounded by disappointments, rejections, betrayals and failures. There is a time and place to deal with these wounds but sometimes we just need to do the next adult responsibility before us. We want to escape the difficulties of this world in the fantasy world of pornography, alcohol, entertainment and self-indulgence. It is easy to find others who will support our pity party escapism but do you have someone who will act as Bambi’s father did. If you don’t then you and those you are responsible for may perish due to your passivity. I pray you have someone like Bambi’s father who will challenge you to get up, lean upon the Lord when you are wounded and powerless and do the job He has placed before you. David Jones