ITEM! Let's hear it for our fantastic featured artist TODD PURSE!
Much like how the magic of the original Illuminatus! Trilogy was found in the collaboration between Bob Wilson & Bob Shea, I'm hoping mine & Todd’s team work will indeed make the dream work :)))
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My days have been gloriously brightened with the regular arrival of fresh pages from Todd's CREATE MAGIC STUDIOS.
ITEM! Introducing the outer head of Illuminati Records Ltd. DJ STEVE FLY! Fly has been sizzling up all kinds of sonic sensations for Tales of Illuminatus!An entire catalog of film scores, theme songs, and parallel universe pop hits. We’ve barely even begun here and Fly already has the heartbeat of our fictional world beating like mad! Get ready for "The First Trip" LP on Maybe Day :)))Take it away, Fly!
Listen here on Twitter / X: @RAWilson23
ITEM! ALT-HISTORY WORLD BUILDING IN THE UNIVERSE NEXT DOORAs I construct the period piece details of “the year when they finally immanentized the Eschaton,” I find myself creating a lot of interesting assets. Please enjoy some out of context novelties from “The Hidden Light.”
ITEM! Rough draft of the five Discordian seasons or stages of society. I couldn't find pre-existing designs for this stuff, which surprised me, so I took a crack at it :)))
I learned from Deutsch speaking Discordian Designer, ?wɑnɑ нo?o????, that Wilson & Shea’s German maybe wasn’t so great, or perhaps they were playing some kind of prank, but in any case, the German to English translations for two of the five seasons are incorrect. “Verwirrung” actually translates to “Confusion” and “Unordnung” is “Chaos.” To be fair, these two words being swapped is both confusing and chaotic!
I have encountered a few places where the Bobs have misspelled or misquoted something, depending on the context, sometimes I change it and sometimes I leave it. In this case I’m leaving it as is :)))
ITEM! Hagbard Celine at the Deutsches Museum
Did I ever tell you about the time the Deutsches Museum in Munich, Germany put a drawing I did of Hagbard Celine up on permanent display? Read all about it!
Alright! Back to the drawing board with me. See you all back here next Thursday for all the muck fit to rake.
Until Aleister Crowley marries the Hawk Tuah woman, make mine maybe! <3<3<3 bc [email protected] PO BOX 416 Audubon, NJ, 08106 USA (Mark correspondence "OK TO PRINT" if you'd like to be featured in the letters column)
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