Get Unstuck...
Focus. #deliver by Michael Vizdos

Get Unstuck...

Welcome back.

Last week, I wrote an edition of this little newsletter with the concept of, "Be Consistent. " And, there was a nugget in there for you...

In order to "Be Consistent" you have to first "Become Consistent."

Is that just word massaging [heh, is THAT even a word]? I hope not, because that clarification is important to our topic today.


So, we can assume you are consistent.

Consistently stuck.

Wham. You did not see that coming (or did you?).

The Problem:?I Am Stuck

This week, imagine you and I are walking around a manufacturing plant that makes glue.

[ see what I did there lol? ]

ME: "Hey, how are you?"
YOU: "I'm Stuck."

We've all been there. It's normal.

What's NOT normal is to get stuck.

When I am feeling stuck, I sometimes fall into a trap of...

  • Analysis paralysis.
  • Waiting to release something because it's not perfect.
  • Ingoring.
  • Blaming others on something I feel blocked on.
  • Stonewalling.
  • ____________________ (you should fill in the blank).

... and then...

Getting NOTHING done and feeling overwhelmed and then just doing nothing but feeling really busy.

Maybe it's just me.

But I am doubting that and hope the following actionable tip today can help YOU right now...

The Actionable Tip:?Get Unstuck


Your first step is recognizing that you ARE STUCK.


Let's pretend you've done that. Recognized it.

Now, remember the focus of this short weekly newsletter is to help you deliver more effectively by doing less.

Spoiler Aleter:

Doing less does NOT mean doing nothing.


Do. Something.

Do. One. Thing.

I know. It's sometimes easier said than done.

Says (err... writes) the guy who is under tremendous pressure to come up with ONE thing you can do for each of these weekly Thursday editions lol. I am totally kidding... this is a stress-free zone for me.

Your Next Step...

There is a treasure trove of ways to get unstuck published in this weekly newsletter.


To help you get unstuck...

Do THREE THINGS right now:

  1. I want you to either go to or this link (which contains a summary of all the articles so far and will contain more in the future).
  2. QUICKLY scroll through the different topics covered so far. (AND remember... NO doom scrolling on the different topics). Scroll through the list of topics and CLICK ON THE FIRST ONE THAT CATCHES YOUR EYE.
  3. Click it. Read it. Do it. Share it.


Go. I'll wait here.

But come back because:

Here is the part where?I need YOU to contribute YOUR actionable tip?for others who are reading this short article....

Please share?ONE?actionable tip in the comments below about which one of the weekly articles you picked (put a link to that article in the comments for bonus points) and how that helped -- or will help --YOU get unstuck today.

I am listening am am ready to continue learning together with you.

I appreciate it and hope this ONE TIP can help you today in doing less to actually become even more effective!

Thank you.

Michael Vizdos


