Get In Touch With Your Sales Power
F2B Services
We provide unique digital display solutions along with custom software to enhance your brand experience.
We’ve all been there–on the first day of the show, surrounded by the crowd of attendees attempting to accomplish their whole itinerary on day one.
It can be overwhelming at best, terrifying at worst. You are already going into the show expecting that you’re going to have to fight tooth and nail in order to get the information you want from exhibitors, and now you have to elbow against your competitors in order to even get a chance to speak to someone.
You slowly make your way through the aisles, trying to get eyes on an exhibitor that isn’t already engaged. Finally, you find a supplier that suits your needs that isn’t too busy, and then promptly lose 45 minutes of your time to a sales pitch.?
You leave feeling drained after one interaction, distraught at the idea of trying to retain everything you need to learn about the other 5 companies you are here to see.
If you’re an exhibitor–you don’t want potential clients to feel like this. Your booth should be an oasis of information, an easy interaction for attendees.
Interactivity and Information
Flexgen uses a touchscreen Draft Table to present a custom software that takes customers on a touch based journey of their brand. Custom mapping allows for images to host dozens of interactable points, for location demographics, product exploration, and more–with integrated multimedia ability.
Accessibility is the world on the tip of everyone’s tongues these days, and there’s a good reason for that. People crave information, and expect it to be at their fingertips. Exhibitors need to be stepping up their game to meet showgoers where they’re at, matching demand, and creatively embracing changes in trends.
Your Brand at Their Fingertips
One way that we’re embracing education for attendees and empowering them to navigate the event with ease and confidence is by implementing touch screens into booth plans.?
Let attendees explore on their own terms. Gone are the days of long winded pitches that prospects forget the minute they walk away. Our touchscreen Draft Table acts as demonstration assistants with visual and tactile presentations, which the lead can take home with them via capture forms that serve your sales team with contact information and interaction metrics.
Frontmatec capitalizes on vertical space, integrating a Slim Kiosk into their build to present customers with a custom education on their processes. Intuitive touchscreens meld with user friendly content navigation for a sneakily supercharged sales tool.
Intuitive Marketing Engagement?
With smartphones in everyone’s pockets, a touchscreen is a familiar piece of technology to interact with, lowering the emotional resistance threshold of engaging with a new idea. No more overwhelm from approaching a crowded booth without context–clients can step right up and feel confident and excited about engaging with your brand.
Our Slim interactive kiosk provides a gateway into your booth, supplementing your sales team with a way to easily attract overwhelmed customers. From gamified giveaways, to touchpoint deep dives into machines and processes, interactivity provides collateral that customers will connect with.
Allowing for more dimensions than a mouse and monitor, a touchscreen can hold anything–from product catalogs, to video demonstrations, to interactive learning modules, or lead generating games. Used as a replacement for traditional paper collateral, or as a multi-faceted media addition, your sales team won’t be able to deny the impact and added value of a touchscreen.
Meaningful Moments, Made Easier
StemScopes used a touchscreen Presenter board to highlight their lounge. When in use during speaker sessions, the Presenter is an easy to use slide and video support. During lounge time, content can be cycled or chosen to match sales team’s needs.
Self guided interaction is becoming the new norm, and this allows your team to step over the aisle and connect with clients. Touchscreens help shy or stressed attendees that may not have time for a full pitch, or curious customers who need a little more information before they dive in. They can now court your company before fully committing–creating relationships with more trust and understanding at the foundation.
The interactive Presenter kiosk is a stylish replacement for a standard monitor and mouse, making your exhibit feel like an activation. Acting as wayfinders with maps and schedules, livestream centers for pros, or interactive demonstration stations–pack a big bunch with a small footprint.
Supercharged, Small Footprints, Sharing Capability
We don’t even have to get into the statistics behind interactive learning–just think about the last time you really learned something from a lecture without having something tangible to drive the point home. Imagine being able to break down every part of an assembly line simply by touching a picture–exploring the inner workings without getting your hands dirty.?
Not to mention–content flexibility and sharing is of vital importance when making sure you’re reaching your target audience. Real time changes are made easy when you use a digital asset–making sure attendees are swiping to the right page, rather than flipping to a product you no longer stock. QR Codes and digital portals allow for attendees to explore off of the show floor, or send it back home to decision makers.
When sales teams are looking to set themselves apart, it can be difficult–but not impossible. Technology is enabling growth and engagement like event pros have never dreamed of, but only when they’re ready to embrace it.
This edition of the LED Revolution was brought to you by our Marketing Manager, Megan. Megan Granett is an event evangelist and creature of creativity, bringing insights on how technology can make in person marketing more fruitful for all involved.