Get Stuff Done
Self-Leadership Executive Performance Coach | Empowering Business Executives to Thrive with Clarity, Impact, and Emotional Intelligence at Big Vision Life Coach
Get Stuff Done.
Have you ever felt like you have a long list of things to do yet you just can't shorten that list?
They could be small things like...
- Change the light glob...
- Fix the door...
- Repair my shoe...
- Clean the spare room...
- Complete the report...
- Call the customer...
Yes, they are little things to attend to that need to be done.
Our most common excuse is that we DON'T HAVE TIME...
Yes, that's correct, we don't have time as we are all living busy lives with many things to accomplish in a day.
I found one strategy that's works very well for me...
"Create a sense of urgency" throughout the day...
I line up my tasks for the day and complete them as quickly as possible.
I stay focused on the job at hand, set myself a deadline to complete it and then get to work until finished.
I'm straight into my next task...
Ok Paul, what's next?...
Weekly Blog Post...
Now I set a deadline for my blog post, focus on it until finished...
I continue to move throughout my day with a "sense of urgency" to complete my next task.
Understand this...
Now I'm 30% more productive, getting lots of stuff done and feel confident about my progress.
Here's the deal...
Having a "sense of urgency" builds momentum into my day, allows me to complete many tasks, increases my confidence in getting stuff done and I enjoy the feel good sensation in body and mind.
I must go, my next task is calling me.