Get Started with Screen Printed Heat Transfers
Get Started with Screen Printed Heat Transfers

Get Started with Screen Printed Heat Transfers

Heat Transfers are an easy and affordable way to decorate garments and make a profit.

If you're a beginner looking for a simple and profitable way to enter the screen printed garment industry, you should consider screen-printed heat transfers.

By ordering your 1-5 Colour Screen Printed Heat Transfers transfers online, you eliminate any need for messy screens or ink. Just press your tshirts and post them out to your clients. Simple.

Why should you choose Screen Printed Transfers?

Not only are they great for achieving fine detail with a soft, thin finish that feels like part of the garment, our screen printed transfers are pantone matched, all include stretch and rebound, no cracking, lasting for 75+ washes and they apply in just 10 seconds.

1-5 Colour Screen Printed Heat Transfers

Screen Printed Heat Transfers are for designs with between 1-5 single block colours.

Pantone matching your heat transfers prevents colour inconsistencies from initial concept design to final finished product.

Choose from over 600 colours already on our system or request other colours.

1-5 Colour Screen Printed Heat Transfers

?Metallic & Neon Inks at No Extra Cost

Stand out ahead of competitors with our metallic and neon screen printed inks, free to add to your transfer order & exclusively available from Stahls' UK


?The Hotronix Fusion IQ

The World's Smartest Heat Press is the best way to apply Screen Printed Heat Transfers.

Use the swing or draw function to accurately position your Screen Printed Transfer in a heat-free environment. Select the pre-programmed recipe from the Fusion IQ Memory bank and fuse your transfers at 160 °C for 10 seconds with medium pressure (4-6 on a Hotronix)

?The Hotronix Fusion IQ


1-5 Colour Screen Printed Transfers are a Cold Peel Heat Transfer. Use release paper to protect your transfer and stop it peeling when the press lifts.

Change your platen to isolate your print area. Make sure any zips and seams lay off the platen for accurate pressure.


Upload, Quote & Order with Easy View

Your online designer and online portal allows you to order your custom heat transfers at any time, any place. Quickest turnaround time in the UK.

?Get Started!



