Get Somebody Booked.
Happy post-Thanksgiving. Here is a chance to act on your feelings of gratitude.
There are good days and bad days. Always have been, always will be. Sometimes, we will get stuck, feeling like a bad day is going to last forever. We convince ourselves that there is no way to improve the situation. We sit still, waiting for the world to change on its own in the way we want. And we complain. Me too.
I have a friend in wrestling named Bob Evans who has a simple response to these complaints.
“Get somebody else booked.”
Pro wrestlers, for the most part, are their own managers, accountants, marketing department, and travel office. They are responsible for a small business that works with other small businesses to knit together a mutually beneficial show that is worth everyone’s time, serves the customers, and gets everyone paid.
If you don’t hunt, you don’t eat. Also, if the other guy doesn’t hunt, you might not eat either.
So, Bob suggests that if you are stuck in a loop, help somebody else. It’s good in and of itself. It serves your industry and another person. It builds a relationship.
Selfishly, it also proves to you that you have the muscle to push forward. It builds the habit of reaching out, leading, serving, finding mutually beneficial arrangements, and getting someone booked. It also eventually leads to a belief: If I can get this guy booked, I can get me booked. The positive feedback loop is created. Confidence increases. You learn to grow the pie instead of just fighting over slices.
So, on a slow day where you don't feel very useful, take this challenge - introduce one friend to somebody you know that will be good for them. It makes a difference.
Michael Kane still helps people - [email protected]. To learn more lessons about how professional wrestling relates to your business, visit and message Bob Evans.