Get Some Help
Andy Walter
Helping clear up the misconceptions around leadership that get most businesses stuck
Everybody Needs Somebody
As human beings, we're wired to strive for independence and self-reliance. We take pride in our ability to handle challenges on our own. Yet, one of the greatest paradoxes of personal growth and success is this: while we often resist asking for help, getting help is crucial for any form of meaningful success. So why do we find it so hard to seek assistance, and why is it so essential that we do so?
Many of us have deeply ingrained beliefs and psychological barriers that prevent us from asking for help. One common barrier is the fear of appearing weak or incompetent. Society has conditioned us to equate asking for help with a lack of capability. This fear can be especially potent in competitive environments where admitting the need for assistance might be perceived as a vulnerability.
Additionally, there's the fear of rejection. We worry that reaching out might lead to a negative response or judgment from others. This fear taps into a fundamental human need for acceptance and belonging, making it a powerful deterrent against asking for help.
Another barrier is the myth of the "self-made" individual. Stories of successful people often highlight their solo efforts, painting a picture that they achieved everything on their own. This narrative neglects the networks of support, mentorship, and collaboration behind every successful individual. It creates unrealistic standards, making us feel that we must follow suit and succeed without external aid.
Ego and pride also play significant roles. Our ego often gets in the way, making it difficult to admit that we don't have all the answers. Pride can lead us to overestimate our abilities and underestimate the value others can bring to our journey.
However, history and countless success stories tell us that no one achieves greatness alone. Collaboration, mentorship, and seeking advice are cornerstones of success. When we ask for help, we engage in a process of learning and growth. We open ourselves up to new perspectives, ideas, and experiences that can dramatically accelerate our progress.
Seeking help also builds stronger connections with others. It fosters a sense of community and mutual support—a network that is invaluable not just for success, but for navigating life's inevitable challenges. By asking for help, we give others the opportunity to contribute, creating a cycle of giving and receiving that enriches everyone's lives.
Moreover, asking for help can be a form of self-care and self-respect. It acknowledges our humanity and the reality that we are not omnipotent. It allows us to conserve our energy for the areas where we can make the most impact, rather than spreading ourselves too thin.
Ultimately, the willingness to ask for help transforms our journey from solitary struggle to collaborative triumph. It takes courage to reach out, but it’s a courage that pays off in profound ways. Remember, every great leader, from business moguls to world leaders, has had mentors, advisors, and a supportive network.
So, I urge you—challenge those fears, push past the ego, and embrace the power of asking for help. It’s not a sign of weakness, but a mark of intelligence and strength. By doing so, you unlock the full potential of not just yourself, but also the incredible people around you.
What areas of your business do you feel could benefit most from reaching out for help?