Get Social!
I was asked about my opinion on social media strategies for large companies. I am adamant that social media should only be used with a SMO strategy in mind. Having done this for a while, here are the top 5 tips I would like to share with you on how to have a winning SMO strategy like BAKERpedia's.
1. Don't overthink it.
Don’t have an elaborate marketing plan. It’s not a print strategy. Digital strategies need to be simplified and responsive. Start with doing something simple. Share a picture, a video or your saying for the day, and respond to your followers. It’s that simple.
2. Tag @ and backlinks
This messes with algorithms. Yes, you want to mess with the platform’s algorithm. When you tag someone @<name>, or @<organization>, it’s like shooting lasers at them. You get their attention, and you show up higher on your follower’s feeds. In addition, when you use backlinks, you send valuable traffic back to your website. Don't waste a valuable opportunity to tag and send a backlink!
3. Be consistent
If you want to post once a week, do it. If you want to post once a month, do it. And if you’re like me, I post no less than 5 times a day. Everyday. Whatever frequency you decide, be consistent about it. Your platform’s algorithm will pick that up, and it decides if what you’re saying is important or not. For help, look at social media management platforms like Buffer or Hootsuite.
4. Sharing is caring
Share industry news. Share your progress. Share your failures. Whatever it is, sharing means that you are helping your community grow. It shows that you care about your work.
“I think failure is nothing more than life's way of nudging you that you are off course. My attitude to failure is not attached to outcome, but in not trying. It is liberating. Most people attach failure to something not working out or how people perceive you. This way, it is about answering to yourself. “ - Sara Blakely
5. It's ok to make mistakes
Companies are afraid of social media because employees may make the company look bad by being casual about conversations and making mistakes. While this is frowned upon traditionally, the new generation of digital users look at this as being human. We are humans, we make mistakes, we learn, we progress and move on. I am a believer that making mistakes is a huge indicator of progress. My employees make mistakes all the time, which makes me proud because it shows that they are moving out of their comfort zones to grow and learn.
Don't stop here!
I know this will be shared internally at companies, the aim of this blog is to change your perception of social media for your company. However, there are so many other things that I’d like to share with you on using social media as part of your SMO strategy! There just isn’t enough time for me to go into everything that it takes to master SEO and see results.
That's why I'd like to invite you to learn more about how SMO and SMM can benefit your SEO without SEM. This short 30 min session will be on Oct 3rd, at noon PST.
Send a message to to sign up for it!
#socialmedia #marketing #baking #SEO #SMO